
Constitution for The Borzoi Encyclopedia (TBE)

The Borzoi Encyclopedia is dedicated to collection of material about the borzoi breed from the earliest time and continuously and to make it available to all borzoi enthusiasts in the world. One year membership fee is 10€/10$ or life membership 30€/30$.

Membership is applied for at the TBE site and is approved by the Board when information on the membership form is correct and appropriate and the treasurer reported that membership fee has been paid.

A Members meeting called TBE General Meeting (GM) can be held in connection to a major borzoi event or online. I can be called for by the Board or by more than two thirds of the members.

The board must have the following posts: President, Secretary and Treasurer and can have two or more additional Members, one of these being elected vice President.

Board meetings must be held a minimum of two times every year and can be called by any member of the board. The minimum number of Board members at a meeting to be valid is 3. The board serves from one GM to the next or if needed to change.

An agenda must be prepared for the board meeting by the President, Vice president or Secretary.

At the Board meeting, both by personal attendance and through electronic media, the following should occur:

  1. Call and register members attending the meeting
  2. Approve agenda
  3. Report from the last meeting
  4. Presidents report
  5. Secretary report
  6. Treasurers’ report
  7. Questions
  8. Report from editors on progress in their respective fields
  9. Any other business
  10. Next meeting

At the GM, both by personal attendance and through electronic media, the following should occur:

  1. Call and adjustment of the membership register
  2. Election of two tellers (scrutineers)
  3. Register members attending the meeting
  4. Boards report on progress of the Encyclopedia during the period from last GM.
  5. Treasurers’ report
  6. Election of officers
  7. Report from editors on progress in their respective fields
  8. Any other business
  9. Election of an electoral committee of three members to serve to the next.

The Board handles TBE’s affairs by:

  1. Preparing items for the next meeting
  2. Carries out the decisions made at the GM meeting
  3. Contacts with members, editors, borzoi clubs and associations
  4. Supervise development and maintenance of TBE software
  5. Administer development of the Borzoi Encyclopedia
  6. Accounts for TBE’s income and expenditure

Protocols and reports from TBE GM and from board meetings are to be published in chronological order on the TBE’s site for members to read!

Any proposed alteration or amendment to the Constitution must be published on the member pages on the TBE’s site.

Changes to the Constitution can only be decided at a TBE GM and will normally be held in conjunction with a major borzoi event. In extraordinary circumstances can a council be called for by the board.

Borzoi Clubs and breed associations are allowed membership to TBE and access to the TBE site but restricted to one (1) vote at the Borzoi GM.

Members of the Encyclopedia group can Volunteer to become life Members by Donating 50€/50$ or more.

TBE welcome sponsors and accepts donations!