Present at the meeting:
Secretary of the meeting. (Take notes).
From the meeting in February:
Constitution! See time schedule
- Members:
- New member is Maja Cosic,
- Deborah Soete, as responsible for the TBE website was appointed associated member. Arvid suggest that she becomes ordinary member of the board.
- Lennart Jansson has resigned from the board but remain as observer with access to all information. Arvid suggest we appoint Lennart as Honorable member of TBE for his support and for financing the start of the TBE computer program!
- The Secretary post is vacant. A person who can take care of correspondence and an eventual Newsletter. Preferably good knowledge of the breed and being well known with borzoi clubs and borzoi people!
- Treasurer’s report
- Editors report
- President’s report
- Relations to Borzoi/Sighthound clubs.
- Club news forum?
- TBE council 2021. Croatia? Borzoi-Ringen Sweden 50-year anniversary? Other? IBC in Australia?
- Newsletter/blog?
- Address members concerning the GDPD law and conditions of membership, See time schedule:
Contact settings (Must be included in the new members form):
- Material contributed to be published in TBE remains my property and is my responsibility.
- No material published in the TBE database may be copied and used elsewhere without permission from the owner or from TBE
- I can use Copyright ONLY on original material, pictures, art or articles produced by myself.
- Material I have collected and without third party copyright I can refer to as:
- From my (name) collection.
- Name or link to the source.
- Select a Source from the list of already defined sources.
- (Checkmark). I agree to the above
- Membership:
- (Checkmark) I choose to pay 10€/10$ as a yearly membership and will pay for the coming year via the Support TBE box on the front page (link).
- (Checkmark) I choose to pay 50€/50$ and become a life member in The Borzoi Encyclopedia and pay via the Support TBE box on the front page.
- (Checkmark) I Accept the terms: By clicking the checkmark, I confirm and agree to the above and let the TBE, The Borzoi Encyclopedia have access to my name, kennel-name, country and e-mail-address.
8 Source:
The use of source on contributed material is in accordance with the text in the application form!
9 Newsletter:
We need to contact members and inform that we must charge a member’s fee from January 2021. A Newsletter can be a way to keep in contact with the members and pass necessary information, like the member’s fee.
Newsletter as a Blogg? To members in TBE or to members in the Encyclopedia group on FB
10 TBE program development:
In my opinion there are several functions in TBE that need development, the main areas in my opinion:
- Easy adding and editing of material
- Enhance experience for the visitor to the site, easy search and easy to see connections and context
We have learned that the computer program TBE is not easy to work with. Skilled programmers shake their heads. Deborah is an experienced computer person but not a Drupal programmer and find some of the solutions difficult. The way to handle this is to hire help.
An example of help we can need – is to install programs to:
Extend the inbuilt Editor so we can reuse already posted pictures and other information in the database. Place pictures opposite each other and make the page layout better and easier to handle.
Program enhancement to make it easier to link lists and to show related information in separate “windows”.
11 Hire help:
Drupal programmers are hard to find. We had contact with a person, Edward Peters who has more than 8 years’ experience with Drupal. An earlier contact ended in disagreement but as things are, a new contact resulted in a yes, he can help us but not earlier than in August as he is in the middle of a contract.
Are we going to accept his help?
We will have to be very clear with what we want as we must pay per hour.
I hope Deborah, in a few weeks’ time can help find the functions we need help with and then contact EP for a cost estimate.
- Donations. Actively ask for donations. The latest done in the Encyclopedia group resulted in 865 SEK.
- Time schedule:
2020-08-xx Secretary/newsletter editor
2020-08-xx Constitution, New member form and GDPD
2020-08-18 Board meeting
2020-08-xx Hire programmer
2020-08-xx Install newsletter program
2020-09-01 Design members contact letter start administrate members and subscriptions
2020-10-01 Mail the first Newsletter and inform all members of the Members fee
Date of meeting