
From the Constitutional meeting of the board

April 3 2017       19.00

Participants:            Lotta Broströmer

                                Sue Vasick

                                Dan Persson

                                Reynard Franklin

                                Arvid Andersen


  1. The board. Roles on the board

Chairman:            Arvid Andersen

Secretary:            Lotta Broströmer

Treasurer:           Dan Persson

Editor:                   Sue Vasick

Member:             Reynard Franklin

  1. The constitution

All accepted the Constitution

  1. Program declaration

The declaration was agreed on with some changes about auto translation and spelling.

  1. Apply for registration at the state Tax Authorities

Agreed to apply for registration

  1. Address of the Borzoi Encyclopedia for official correspondence

Secretary, Lotta Broströmer agreed to let the Borzoi Encyclopedia use her address.

  1. Register “ as domain for TBE. X number of mail addresses?

All agreed to register the domain. theborzoiencyclopedia, first choice being .com, then .org

  1. Protect the name “The Borzoi Encyclopedia”, Variations, “The International Borzoi Encyclopedia”, “The World-Wide Borzoi Encyclopedia”

Takes about 3 to 6 months according to Lotta Broströmer.

  1. Calculate costs of registration at the Tax office, cost of Domain and Protection of name – in Sweden, in Europe?

2000 to 3000 SEK according to Lotta Broströmer

  1. How to finance. Ask for donations, become Founding Member at the cost of 30 Euro or similar

Agreed on asking members to be Founding Members of the association by donating 30 Euros (or same in other currency). We can have a Founding Members Page?

  1. Agreement with the program developers.  Do we own the program? When, after 1 year, 3 year?

Need to contact the computer company. This is Lottas field.

  1. Ongoing development of the TBE program.

Try to speed up. Reynard Franklin checks if he’s able to help

  1. Contact with Borzoi clubs, Associations and with IBC.

Make up a letter in several languages. Need a Logotype and a letterhead. Make a list of clubs. Ask our members in the group. The program will be presented at the IBC conference in August!


  1. Agreed to invite more members to the Encyclopedia group. Present people we want to invite to the TBE board. Perhaps we could be pragmatic and invite people from borzoi clubs and people that in other ways can be of help. We bear in mind that we don’t want to create any trouble by inviting people known to be difficult.
  2. We decided that we call for the next meeting when we have answers to some of our points!

Confirm that this protocol is correct

4:th of April 2017

Arvid Andersen

Chairman of the board

Dan Persson
