June 12 2017 19.00
In person: Arvid Andersen
Dan Persson
Reynard Franklin
Via Phone Lotta Broströmer
Via FB Sue Vasick
- Program declaration?
- Registration at the state Tax Authorities
- Bank account at an international bank!
- Official Logotype for letterhead/mail?
- Name of the association? Suggest the name: The International Canine Encyclopedia Group.
The reason: Prevent others to use the any Breed Encyclopedia name. Possibility to lease the program to other breeds.
Register as a Limited company, AS. Can be registered without deposit and no requirement of an official Auditor.
- Register “theborzoiencyclopedia.xxx as domain for TBE. X number of mail addresses? Borzoiwiki.xxx, borzoipedia.xxx
? Chairman by the computer company
- Calculate costs of registration at the Tax office, cost of Domain and Protection of name – in Sweden, in Europe?
Cost of Translation program – Reynard?
- How to finance. Ask for donations, become founding Member at the cost of 30 Euro or similar. Ask the Borzoi clubs in the world to be Founding members? We need proper registration and bank account for this.
- Select one member of the board as Vice Chairman!
- Accept Camilla Andersen as substitute for Arvid in relations to the program supplier! She is on FB!
- Agreement with the program developers. We own the program. Leave open to register as an AS, Limited Company were we, the founders have majority and the computer company have a share, 15%?
- Ongoing development of the TBE program.
- Studbooks and the Dalzell databases? Integrate into the TBE or parallel bases that can be consulted and copied from?