Board Members:
Present: Arvid Andersen, Maja Cosic, Marina Cornaglia
Absent: Dan Persson, Kristina Terra, Sue Vasick, Lorraine Harvey,
Quorum present? yes
Others Present:
Associate Member: Igor Lyubarski
· Meeting called to order at 19:10. by President, Arvid Andersen
· February meeting minutes were amended and approved
· Treasurer‘s Report:
– Treasurer not present at the meeting, the report states around 13000 SEK as the new balance in TBE account.
– New income in the last months thanks to the Facebook donation campaign.
· Borzoipedia Restoration report provided by Associate Member, Igor Liubarsky:
– Purchased 2 plug-ins, at 60€ each ca.
– Old website keeps being updated and new data inserted by users, but it’s not a hindrance due to the quick process of data migration.
– Working on new forms is taking longer than expected due to coding problems and modifications that have to be made to the forms.
· Facebook Donations campaign:
– Due to the absence of the Treasurer, the exact figures weren’t discussed, but it was estimated that around 200$ were raised thanks to the FB campaign.
– Suggestion to continue with the campaign, adding photos and graphics to the posts. Approved.
· First General Meeting report provided by Member, Maja Cosic:
– Eurosighthound event In Croatia still in need of final confirmation due to COVID restriction.
– TBE General Meeting project (held in Croatia during EUSH) is still ongoing, proposal to wait for next month when there will be more information on the possibility of holding the event. Approved
– In case it will not be possible to host the General Meeting in Croatia this year, a new date and place have been suggested as alternative: 2022, Holland, along the IBC Conference.
· Other business – webinars proposal by Member, Maja Cosic.
– Webinars to be held online, while waiting for covid restrictions to lift.
– Topics: history of the breed, and breeders, the development of the breed in certain countries. Webinars in form of interview or presentation.
– Possibility of requesting a registration fee, around 5 or 10 € with eventual Diploma/Certificate for the public.
– Karen Staut Cartabona was suggested by President Andersen as speaker at the first webinar.
– Maja Cosic and Marina Cornaglia are going to take on the project.
· Webstore:
– The main point before opening a webstore is to find if it makes enough profit for TBE. Print on demand platforms was suggested due to there not being an initial cost for setting up and no storage/inventory requirements. Associate Member Liubarsky suggested that for the shop to be profitable a minimum of 10 products needs to be available.
– Advertising the webstore is another important point because an advertising campaign online is costly. Word of mouth is not effective, especially in this period, so the best way is to advertise on our own FB page and on any blog or social channel we are part of.
– A need for new designs other than the TBE logo was pointed out, we need to reach out to artists/graphic designers, both in the Borzoi community and out.
– No decision was taken regarding the start of the webstore, but Secretary Cornaglia will present a report at the next meeting with details on pricing, items and profit margin. At the next meeting, a final decision will be made.
· Other business – election committee proposal by President, Arvid Andersen.
– An election committee must be established before the general meeting.
– The board at the moment consists of 8 members, with representatives from Sweden, Croatia, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom and the USA.
– The topic will be discussed more in detail at the next meeting.
· Meeting adjourned at 20:22.
· Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary, Marina Cornaglia.