Blue Malinki

Ristovia’s Blue Malinki

From Borzoi Past:  <<Ristovia’s Blue Malinki was a heavily sabled apricot sable and white dog bred by Dave and Vi Ristau in Warren, PA and owned by Bill Woodley of Wilolea kennel and Helen Davis of Tamalar kennel. Malinki was whelped February 20, 1961, sired by Komar of Frontier out of Brizhi of Frontier, and was a litter brother to Ristovia’s Princess Tasandra, Prince Igorsky and Czar John. The interesting thing about this pedigree is that it was a repeat breeding; the first matchup of Komar and Brizhi was in 1959 producing Ristovia’s Quicksilver. It was then repeated producing Malinki and littermates, and done a third time in 1962, producing the prolific Baroness Alexandria. Anyway, Malinki was a well used stud, producing litters for both Wilolea and Tamalar and also one for Ilya Loeffer [Len’Nies]. He lived on mostly through certain Lazy Acres Borzoi.>>

Registration number:

AKC HA166042 [6-1965]

Registration documents:


Pedigree | Offspring

Date of Birth:

February 20, 1961

Age when died:

Cause of death:


Show Titles:


Field Titles:


Body Markings:

Patches on white

Coat Colour:

White and apricot sable



Country of Birth:

America (USA)

Country of Standing:

America (USA)

Official Source:

Personal Source:

