

Daniar born 8/12/1894 by Ch Ataman II (Osseroff) (Imp Russia) x Vyuga (Osseroff) (Imp Russia) in Holland. This is another dog that had numerous descendants in Europe but his line in Belgium died out in WW1 and in Holland it didn't survive WW2. A son, French Ch Otlai Gelria who sired at least 10 litters in Europe may have descendants in France but again the missing years of records prevent further research. Daniar's daughter Ch Difna (Gelria) was mated to Ch Otlai Gelria (half brother/sister) and their daughter Ch Annuschka Moja Gordost (Imp Holland) in Germany saved the line. She has multiple descendants especially through von Bergland kennels in the 1970s so I expect there are modern descendant from this. Daniar won a lot of first prizes but was generally competing against his famous father who took most of the CCs so I don't think Daniar finished his title. More research needed just in case he did get it./Margaret Davis

Registration number:


Registration documents:


Pedigree | Offspring

Date of Birth:

December 8, 1894

Age when died:

Cause of death:

-- Not set --



Show Titles:

A title not set

Field Titles:

A title not set

Body Markings:

Patches on white
A marking not given

Coat Colour:

A color not set


Attribute not given

Country of Birth:

Holland (Netherlands)

Country of Standing:

Holland (Netherlands)

Official Source:

Personal Source:

