List of Borzoi Search for Name ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ FirstPrevious1...456789101112...1159NextLast Show Titles Name Borzoï Owner YearBorn Sire Dam Aglai du ZiezeghemFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook 1905 Odyssee du Ziezeghem Odeska de Vinderhoute Aglaia of KeepersFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook Jackie Bennett-Heard 1956 Figaro of Hindham Angelola Aglaija of RomanoffFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook L. C. Ware 1928 Ataman von Helfenstein Notschka v.d. Katharinenburg Agnedelldoll ZanozaFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook K L Douglass 1925 Ivor O’Valley Farm Lada of Delmac Agua vom WesterfeldFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook L Rahm 1955 St Nicol’s Dschaschan St Nicol’s Carmen Ahsatan AleksandrMale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook 1993 Marakhoff Kirovakaan Ahsghorm Alexis Ahsatan AnitaFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook 1979 Arbee Blue Shan Dolinoff Roxanna Ahsatan ArmadeusMale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook Sally & John Stasytis 1984 Astragorn Harad Dragon Dolinoff Roxanna Ahsatan CrusoeMale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook Sally & John Stasytis 1979 Arbee Blue Shan Dolinoff Roxanna Au Ch Ahsatan DoveFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook Greg & Ros Barden 1993 Marakhoff Kirovakaan Ahsghorm Alexis Ahsatan HalleFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook S Stasytis & S Moorrees 2005 Ahsroff Damon Ahsatan Tamzin Au Ch Ahsatan HarmonyFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook Sally & John Stasytis 2005 Ahsroff Damon Ahsatan Tamzin Ahsatan Just In TymeFemale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook 2007 Ahsroff Damon Zoribo African Safari Au Ch Ahsatan KennedyMale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook Sally & John Stasytis 2011 Ahsroff Gatsby Ahsatan Harmony Ahsatan KhaaptivateMale Pedigree | Offspring | StudBook Louise Doyle 2011 Ahsroff Gatsby Ahsatan Harmony FirstPrevious1...456789101112...1159NextLast