Denis Vladimirovich Nikonov


Denis Vladimirovich Nikonov

He was born in 1975 in the city of Izhevsk. In 1993 he graduated from the Tomsky Moscow Secondary Art School at the Surikov Institute. In 2000, the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, defended his diploma in the workshop landscape with Trofimov A.S. on the topic: “Reconstruction of the Polyansky market”. Since childhood, he spent all his free time in the village with his grandfather, where he, working as a forester, instilled in his grandson a love for the forest and animals. The first strong impressions and expression of artistic talent were manifested precisely in the environment of rural life and communication with hunters. Also greatly influenced by the environment of gunsmiths, which largely determined the direction of the main line of plots in paintings and graphic works. During the period of study in Moscow, the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin was a favorite place for inspiration and study of historical material.

Now Denis Nikonov teaches at the L.M. Vasev School of Gunsmithing at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, teaching painting, drawing and project to young engravers. He is also the author of the project “Overture”, for which he was awarded the first diploma “The Best Project and Innovative Weapon Design Technologies”. He is actively working in creative tandems with the leading engravers of Russia, developing pictorial and graphic compositions, which then turn into engravings of highly artistic hunting weapons, creating a single ensemble.

There are many talents in this creative workshop, for example, the work presented in the general gallery with an engraving based on the famous painting of hunters at the halt came out from under the hands of Denis’s colleague Zinaida Petrovna Rogozhnikova.

Denis is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia and participates in international and Russian exhibitions, his works are in museums and private collections, both in Russia and abroad. Painting and drawing are not the only direction of his work, he actively tries himself in sculpture and in the engraving business. In this, he is exemplified by the great masters of the Renaissance and Russian realism. Plots for his paintings and working material he takes from life, being a hunter himself, although now basically the trophy for him is a successful plot, caught in a sketch and embodied in the picture.

In the first photo Denis Nikonov himself with his work “For the Ural Stone”, created in the author’s tandem with the engraver A. Korobeynikov (offsite Highly artistic guns, both Tula gunsmiths and Izhevsk guns, are often found in the collections of the first persons of the states, which once again shows the high level of skill, continuity of generations, preservation and multiplication of the traditions of Russian arms production.

Submitted by:

Arvid Andersen

on November 12, 2022 10:20 am

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