Greyhound of Nikon’s Court Hunting






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May be an image of horse

The caption under the picture – “Greyhound of Nikon’s Court Hunting” (1869)

Andrus Kozlov wrote:
In my opinion, an unsuccessful translation into English. In Russian “Борзятник Никонов” ~Borzyatnik Nikonov. On the picture, borzois from the Imperial hunt in Gatchina and the huntsman Nikonov. There is a sketch of this painting of a later period – from 1886.
In all likelihood, in the picture Stepan Nikonov, the Huntsman of the Imperial Hunt Gatchina, who saved the life of Russian Emperor Alexander II in 1862 on a bear hunt, for which he was awarded a medal.…
His son Nikonov Vassily Stepanovich (1850-1913) also was a huntsman in the Imperial Hunt in Gatchina.