September 2023




Two members of the board left in mid-turn and replacements were needed.
At an extraordinary meeting, two new members were welcomed to the board. The meeting was immediately followed by a constitutional meeting where a new vice president and a secretary were elected.

All board members had been called via the Board group on FB and by mail to the address supplied when joining TBE/Borzoipedia.
The agenda had been published before the meeting. Sue Vasick and Lorraine Harwey had declared not being able to attend but approved to the selection of the new members to the board.
Any present member who wanted to leave the board should make that known to the president prior to the meeting, fortunately, no one did!
Minutes of both meetings shall be presented to the members of TBE/Borzoipedia by e-mail
As new vice President was Chrisitian Lagerek von Horst elected and as Secretary, Linda Wågström.
Andreas SG Högberg was approved as the new Webmaster.
Lize Edland will act as a consultant.
The new board decided to increase efforts to raise income and discussed contacting registered members and ask them to be Paying members and to offer a bonus to paying members. It was also decided that from January will visitors to the site and to the Encyclopedia group on FB only have access to summaries of articles published.
The board from september 2023:
Arvid Andersen, Christian Lagerek von Horst, Dan Persson, Linda Wågström, Sue Vasick, Kristina Terra, Vida Klenovsek, Lorraine Harwey.

 Meeting held on:

September 14, 2023

Submitted by:

Submitted on:

July 11, 2023

Last modified on:

October 20, 2023


Arvid Andersen








Christian Lagerek von Horst   


  • Agenda for the extra annual meeting:
    1. Call and register members attending the meeting!
    2. President acts as secretary for the meeting.
    3. All present members have been summoned.
    4. Report from the last meeting
    5. New Members to be elected to the board will present themselves, Christian Lagerek von Horst and Linda Wågström.
    6. Suggest Christian Lagerek von Horst as new member of the board.
    7. Suggest Linda Wågström as new member of the board.
    8. Suggest Andreas Högberg as webmaster. As webmaster, he can be called to or take part in board meetings as advisor but without voting rights.
    9. Lize Edland is present as a consultant on design and layout!
    10. President’s report. Arvid Andersen will Resign as President at the end of the year and urge the board to in time elect a new President! Arvid also has the preliminary post as webmaster but this can be solved at this meeting).
    11. Treasurers’ report: Budget for known fixed costs for the coming year!
    12. Discuss how to raise income: Member fees, Offer to FB borzoi groups & Borzoi clubs, Donations, Sponsors. Newsletter december 2023.
    13. Discuss to produce e-books from historical articles and save to CD/DVD and sell at borzoi gaterings.
    14. The board reviews and suggest changes to Constitution, Declaration and the association’s goals. To be presented at the next meeting.
    15. The Borzoipedia program development, short and long term: Make up plans and set up budgets. (The studbook, Newsletter, contact with members). To be presented at the next meeting.
    16. The association’s name is The Borzoi Encyclopedia Group and the database TBE-borzoipedia. On Facebook we call the group Borzoi Encyclopedia. Members in the FB group often believe they are also members of the TBE association and TBE-borzoipedia! It is at times very confusing, and we should try to solve this. We should also appoint an admin to the FB group.
    17. Questions
    18. Any other business
    19. Next ordinary meeting


    Agenda for the constitutional meeting:

    1. Register of attending members
    2. Elect and confirm new vice President.
    3. Elect and confirm new Secretary.
    4. Confirm new webmaster.
    5. Confirmation of the board
    6. Questions



  1. Members present at the meeting: Kristina Terra, Dan Persson and Arvid Andersen. (Sue Vasick, Vida Klenovsek and Lorraine Harvey could not attend).
  2. Arvid was chosen as secretary for the meetinh.
  3. The meeting was called in legal order
  4. Members were advised to read the minutes from the last meeting in Borzoipedia.
  5. The two prospects, Christian Lagerek von Horst and Linda Wågström gave a presentation of themselves!
  6. Christian Lagerek von Horst was approved as member of the board.
  7. Linda Wågström was approved as member of the board.
  8. Andreas Högberg was approved as webmaster. As webmaster, he can be called to or take part in board meetings as an advisor but without voting rights.
  9. Lize Edland was welcomed as a consultant on design and layout!
  10. Arvid Andersen will Resign as President at the end of the year and urge the board to in time elect a new President!
  11. Treasurer Dan Persson reported about the financial situation. Without new income there’s only enough money to keep us running for one more year.
  12. Discussed how to raise income: A letter to the registered members with an offer to become paying members 10€ a year. A welcome gift of the Scandinavian Borzoi History trilogy to download for free.
  13. Decided to produce e-books from historical articles and save as downloadable flipbooks and PDF files to be downloaded and to sell at borzoi gaterings.
  14. The board reviews and suggest changes to Constitution, Declaration and the association’s goals. To be presented at the next meeting. Moved forward to next meeting.
  15. The Borzoipedia program development, short and long term: Make up plans and set up budgets. (The studbook, Newsletter, contact with members). To be presented at the next meeting. Moved forward to when funds are available.
  16. The association’s name is The Borzoi Encyclopedia Group and the database TBE-borzoipedia. On Facebook we call the group Borzoi Encyclopedia. Members in the FB group often believe they are also members of the TBE association and TBE-borzoipedia! It is at times very confusing, and we should try to solve this. We should also appoint an admin to the FB group. The board agreed to this must be solved.
  17. Questions
  18. Any other business
  19. Next ordinary meeting


Constitutional meeting

Present:  Arvid Andersen, Dan Persson, Kristina Terra, Christian Lagerek von Horst, Linda Wågström

Absent: Sue Vasik, Lorraine Harvey, Lize Edland, Vida Klenovsek

  1. Meeting called to order at 19:50
  2. Christian Lagerek elected and confirmed as new vice President.
  3. Linda Wågström elected and confirmed as new Secretary
  4. Andreas Höglund confirmed in his absence as new webmaster.
  5. Lize Edland was welcomed as consultant.
  6. Board Confirmed
  7. No further questions
  8. Meeting adjourned at 20:10