
Majenkir Navron Mambrino

from Borzoi Past group: <American Ch. Majenkir Navron Mambrino was a stylish nearly all white dog bred and owned by Karen Staudt-Cartabona of Majenkir kennels. He was whelped May 29, 1989, and a son of the top producing Majenkir Arcticus out of Majenkir Jennifer, making him linebred on Majenkir Gyrfalcon. Mambrino was a successful show dog but excelled as a stud, siring a number of litters for Majenkir, Fawnwood Po Dusham and others, including BIS winner, Majenkir White Diamonds. His most dynamic daughter was born via frozen semen in 2010, however, this being Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour, a multiple BIS, BISS #1 Borzoi two years running. Mambrino is pictured as a young dog.>

Registration number:

AKC HD 764415

Registration documents:


Pedigree | Offspring

Date of Birth:

May 29, 1989

Age when died:

Cause of death:


Show Titles:

Am Ch 

Field Titles:


Body Markings:

Coat Colour:




Country of Birth:

America (USA)

Country of Standing:

America (USA)

Official Source:

Personal Source:

