Chack Bielaja
Mr. Müller deals extensively with Chack Bielaja 410 in his essay: “The German Generations” and confuses his description by expressing the German fanciers favor and hatred with this dog. To get to know Chack better, at least from pictures and from descriptions of “contemporaries”.
In the German greyhound newspaper No. 2 of 1917, he is dedicated a longer essay, which is likely to be more up-to-date now than before, all the more so since B was often a guest in the kennel “Bielaja” and reports from his own experience. But let’s hear what B writes:
Russian borzoi Chack Bielaja DWZ 410
The new direction, which for several years changed our borzoi from the ground up, set a whole new benchmark for the type and broke with everything familiar and comfortable, many celebrated winners had the career swiftly interrupted.
We do not want to investigate when and where to look for the first traces pointing to the new direction, but we can probably say that it came into the open on the Sighthound exhibition in Kassel (Sodenkamp) and was raised on the shield in all its forms there. One of the few dogs of German breeding that had nothing to lose in this transition, but everything to gain, was Chack Bielaja, by Richard Dix of Bielaja in Weimar.
He had probably already been honoured and given awards before, but what the judge meant was expressed in clear terms in Kassel, when the Russian judge did not give the males the 65 points – the depth of the chest was not sufficient to the five best exhibited.
The judge brought Chack to the fore and presented him as exemplary in the head, back and overall appearance.
Chack become famous with one stroke and became the most sought-after studdog, especially since his Extraordinary ability soon turned out. He has been sufficiently well known and repeatedly appreciated in word and image. Nevertheless, we hope to contribute to the understanding of the new breeding direction as we demonstrate its development.
The newer direction is used to be summed up in the term “perchinotype.” It was initiated mainly by some genuine Russian dogs who had come from the large-princely kennel Perchino, high-class representatives of strength and type opposed to the esoteric type of the West. It may not be clear whether we can speak of one perchinotype, so let us not stick to the word, but to the sense, we want a functional, squarely built, short-handed, powerful dog with a strong, moderately long neck, stretched head, strong bite, wide hindquarters, bolt-straight front and dense, healthy hair. The Barsoi had become a luxury dog, he had to be turned back to his hunting profession and recreated for it in a form-appropriate way. And this was undoubtedly achieved quickest and best by crossing with real Russian borzoi. Chack is not a full-blooded Russian, but he had everything that was desired, gave everything to his descendants to a pure extent and – came from a genuine Russian father whom we want to look at before we continue our consideration.
When we wanted to write down this treatise, we were able to at the same time find an essay by a Nurnberg magazine, who dealt completely independently from us with Vigow v.d. Moritzburg, the father of Chack.
Vigow was exhibited in Nuremberg in 1909, where he got this description;

A silver-grey male, tall, well put together, deep in the chest, with impeccable front and backhand, hair texture as dense and herbaceous as none of the Barsois present. Most delightfully, we adhere to the words of the judge, his head, sticking out of the dense neck brace like that of an eagle, seemed so dry, without a trace of flesh or bumpiness in the bone structure, seen from the side high and at the point where our Barsois at the Nose backs have a hollow spot, the same went arched. The writer had not seen our text and, according to his records, reported what he himself saw. The male made such an impression on him, so he could not separate himself from the dog and absorved himself completely in his studies. The picture was entirely in line with the given description. This Vigow had come into the world and into Germany a few years too early. Under the new rule of the “perchinotype,” he would surely have taken it further and would have become the most celebrated representative of the breed, while at the time he came to Germany he was only sparsely shown at small-town exhibitions and did not become known.
What the judge says of him and what our outdated recording, which Richard Dix finds after a long search could find, makes clear and supports each other without gaps. In the picture, too, this male presents himself in a racy fullness, which alone is astonishing. But which building, how wonderful it is tailored to the utility dog; These strong, nuclear-healthy, lightning-straight front runs, these stocky yet so wide-spreading hindquarters, this shoulder construction and chest depth, this rich dense hair and this dry long head, which in spite of the beautiful form does not miss the fine expression, which we are so happy to accept when it comes to the work borsoi!
If Sodenkamp? had already in 1912 preached to us of the “perchinotype”,the judge says, Vigow would undoubtedly have become our most important stud dog.
Not one of our judges did accept this, except for Dr. Wegener, who highly regarded him and declared him the best in the country.
It was clear, that they did not see the value of this special male, their views stuck too much to the old guns.
Vigow would be unknown and unappreciated and lost in the darkness of his existence, he was born in January 1908, bred by the Rönne, Kiev, in the possession of Paul Fiederer, Zeitz, if not Richard Dix of Bielaja, had a better opinion of its breeding importance and bred him to his Marza Steinach.

From this connection, a litter of four was born. The picture shows, at the age of eight weeks, two males and two females. The first, lying down is Czar, his brother, next is his sister Carmen, then number three is Chack and at the right Chanka. Chack was without question the most self-contained and delightful, and we fully understand the breeder when he preferred it to the siblings at the very beginning. But also the brother, Czar was entitled to the best hopes. He was already typically formed at the age of six months and distinguished himself with a wide-ranging backhand and a wonderful bike back, so that his relocation to South America was quite regrettable.

Let us still take into account that the two brothers also expressed themselves in color, Chack dark silver at birth became black, Czar black and white.
Let us follow the young Chack in its further development to maturity, a period of time that unfortunately we can only look at in three large sections, Chack was already as a puppy of an outspoken quirk, as we saw, he was already clearly different from the others in the litter and consequently remained on the path he had taken. He was just made of other wood, like his friends who were friends, he bore the characteristic license plate, the type of real Russian dog, which was his father’s own. At the age of four-and-a-half months, in which the recording echoes him, he was so clearly and logically advanced in his direction that he left no doubt left any more room. At that time, it already offered a balanced picture, although not yet sanded and fraught with the inevitable ricots of the youth form; He had everything and revealed everything that distinguished the right Barsoi from the refined representative of Western high culture, the stretched, dry head, powerfully modeled, immensely clear and at the same time noble in the line, the strong neck and neck, both capable of the wolf lord To become, to grab him with deadly handles and to strangle him safely;

The arched back, short but short but wide and massive, not like a knife back with visible vertebrae, the taut of corny bones, well equipped in the joints, angled in the posthand extensively; He also had a dense blanket of healthy hair and entitled even in chest depth to the best expectations. All these qualities were visibly present, although, as I said, afflicted with all the shortcomings that we have to accept as manifestations of youth and inconsistency, although they may have become more apparent with Chack.
Three and a half months later, he makes a more fluid impression. The hardships and corners of the youth form have given way and a clear, uninhibited outline determines the appearance. Head, neck, stand have been perfected, the chest widens, the hair remains at altitude, the back holds up in its shiny shape, which at that time still found little understanding in its meaning. Our last shot introduces the finished male. Did he hold what the youth made expect? The connoisseur and breeder, who follows the career with an experienced eye and sees more than the layman, is not so easily fooled, does not overlook the weaknesses and yet was allowed to be very satisfied with this result. Chack has become an apparition that, even in that early period, when no perchino scale was used, absolutely had to stand out and listened to bungly.

The male had become a unified whole, attuned to a single tone, and had to captivate anyone who immerses himself in the race and seeks to explore its essence in the perfection of his appearance. What this male lacked was not a typical defect and will not have escaped the breeder either: In the depth of the chest, Chack was not quite Hamburg‘s competition at 1.80m, an excellent racer who went through the track victorious in Leipzig and Jena and also has performances in the open field, as one can expect only from Russia’s hunting barsoi. Chack harps the bunny with passion and innate agility; He knows his habits and knows how to meet them skillfully. All his arts don’t protect the fleeting hum from this pursuer, who not only intercepts the hook with which the hoist tries to save himself, who even once ran around a piece of forest to cut off the path to the fugitive. Chack is the born hunting dog and that he also gave these esteemed original characteristics to his descendants, but his well-known son Slobian, among others, is proof, who was also an excellent hunting and working dog
Source: Andrus Kozlov
Evelyn Kirsch did the German version