
Gull Matthiessen


Gull Matthiessen came from a family known as “Banan Matthiessen”, the company started in 1905 and was the first importer of bananas to Norway. When the founder Christian Matthiessen died in 1918 did the company get new owners and has since changed its name to BAMA.

Gull Matthiessen is known, especially in Norway and Sweden for her breeding of longhaired Russian hounds, Borzoi with the kennel name Godonoff. Her breeding based on offspring of the two English imports to Norway, Ramsden Romance and Ramsden Reindeer and the Russian imports Tjaika and Naletai Her breeding is  present in borzoi even today.

Submitted by:

Dan Persson

on October 5, 2017 7:44 am

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