

Trotting gait in borzoi

  The dog in the pictures, Argos (Sokoloff) born I Russia in 1886, sold to America and renamed Argoss. He comes from a litter that has influenced the borzoi breed ever since. He looks like a very strongly built dog, slightly longer than high. Bro…

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Boldareff et Cheremeteff

UICL Standard of 1924

UICL Standard of 1924 Until the second half of the 19th century, the notion of standard, as it is understood today, did not exist in Russia. “The standard was a tradition that was transmitted not by canine societies but from father to son by connoisse…

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Valley Farm Imports (by Sue E.A. Vasick)

Valley Farm Imports © by Sue E.A. Vasick   Valley Farm Russian Imports Valley Farm lineup 1905 Valley Farm Kennels are well known for their special type of Borzoi and to this d…

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Vassily Dyakov Hunt

The owner of the hunt – Vasily Nikolayevich Dyakov- one of the founders of the agricultural case in Russia, the director of the poltava experienced field, was the inspector of agriculture of the main directorate of land and agriculture, held similar p…

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Vera Amelung – A GODDESS

​ The goddess Vera 15 juni 2012 10:33 by Julia Svintsova Beautiful and gracious, Both Vera & Sighthounds By the end of the late 19th century. in November 1896 in the old manor Krasavka Atkarsk, located in the Lysogorskaya province of Saratov provi…

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Vera Amelung , en Gudinna

Gudinna Vera 15 juni 2012 10:33 av Julia Svintsova Vackra och graciösa, både Vera och Vinthundar Det närmade sig slutet av 1800-talet. I November 1896 i den gamla herrgården Krasavka Atkarsk som låg i landskapet Lysogorskaya i Saratovprovinsen, föddes…

Read more: Vera Amelung , en Gudinna
Esmont at work

Who was Constantin Esmont?

Notes regarding Borzoi in Russia in the period 1940 to 1950! In 1945, just as the second WW had ended, a Soviet soldier, Constantin Esmont made detailed records of the various types of borzoi he found in Cossack villages in the south of Russia. His jo…

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Wolf hunt at Perschino.(Written by N. Kravchenko), submitted by Svetlana Abashina

Painting by G K von Meyer         Grand Duke N. N. From the magazine “Capital and Es…

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Wolf hunting in Russia

Wolf hunting at Prince Golitsins estate outside Moscow, a short film.

            The estate of Prince Golitsyn in the Moscow region. Shooting a winter hunt: hunters chase a wolf through a winter forest, dogs,hounds and a w…

Read more: Wolf hunting at Prince Golitsins estate outside Moscow, a short film.

Wolfhunting in Russia (by Henry T Allen, USA)

                                                                   Wolfhunting in Russia   The enormous extent and diversified conditions of the various localities of this empire would naturally suggest a variety of sport in hunting and shooting,…

Read more: Wolfhunting in Russia (by Henry T Allen, USA)
Church Pershino

Working with Russian databases

This database is derived from various Russian studbooks published by different organisations and assorted catalogues from 1875 plus some 19th century pedigrees in Russian journals and some surviving handwritten records from Perchino all in original Cy…

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Yelagin 2008 Russian Borzoi Show

IBC conference 2008

Read more: Yelagin 2008 Russian Borzoi Show