D.M. Dudley’s Ukrainia Borzoi
By Sue E.A. Vasick [originally published in the Spring, 1992 issue of Borzoi International magazine] All Rights Reserved. In England, Dorothy Dudley’s interest in Borzoi began in the 1930’s and continued to her demise at a ripe old age. …
Read more: D.M. Dudley’s Ukrainia Borzoi
Delaware Valley Farms
On the last day, November 7, of the deer shooting season in New Jersey, the writer found himself in the lovely woods that surround the Kuser property, known as the Delaware Val- ley Farms, and Mount Rosalie, overlooking the famous river about twelve m…
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Dogshow in Amsterdam 1926.
The show was judged by Artem Boldareff & the Cheremeteff Brothers
Read more: Dogshow in Amsterdam 1926.
Durassov kennels
Peter Feodrovich Durassov (1835 – 1894), was a famous borzoi breeder in Russia. He was the son of Senator F. Durassov, in 1884 Equerry (Chief of stables) at the highest court, a wealthy nobleman – he owned 38 000 ha of land in six governments, factori…
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Early American Borzoi History
Historic research by Margaret Davis! Revision of the early American Borzoi history! The American system of partial registration leaves so much of the early history out of the studbooks, Here are chronological lists for 4 of the earliest foundation bre…
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Early UK Borzoi information
Compiled by Margaret Davis for the years 1804 to 1891: One of the borzoi pioneers in the UK was Lady Emily Peel. She imported her first dogs directly from the Tzars kennels at Gatchina. 1804 Borzoi owned by 5th Earl of Sandwich sketched…
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Egor Driansky
Presentation of Egor Driansky. Егор Дриянский ( Egor Drijanskij) «Записки мелкотравчатого» ( first edition 1857) Mелкотравчатый= a suitable synonym may be “small”. That is, the autor speaks of hunters who did not have a complete hunt (a large number o…
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Emma C Biesel
Emma C Biesel – Vladimir- & O’Valley Farm Kennels 1922 Obtained Yona of Orloff born 2 April 1920 by Johnston’s Balderoff x Orczny of Orloff Her mother was a self black daughter of Yarki Perchino (Imp Russia) x Queen of the Olives (Imp…
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English Dog Show, Ranelagh Club
Country Life Illustrated, June 17th 1899 Of all spots in which to hold a dog show, the beautiful grounds of the Ranelagh Club are quite the most perfect. Opinions are unanimous on this point. The committee were fortunate in having these grounds lent t…
Read more: English Dog Show, Ranelagh Club
Estrina on colour
Inna Estrina Kynologist Some Russian names on colour Sero can be Lighter Grey in variations from ash, brown to silver as spots and as brindle. Burmese means variations of dark gr…
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FCI Standard of 2021
In 2021 was the Russian standard for borzoi fully adapted by the FCI FCI Standard 2021
Read more: FCI Standard of 2021