To understand the state of the breed today, one has to remember that World-War II created a special situation in most European countries. Norway, Denmark and Finland were all heavily involved, which made their breeding activities stop for a while. Sweden was lucky enough to stay out of the war and is thereby doubtless the most interesting country in this corner of the world, having preserved and developed a line founded in 1910-20. There were two Ch-s between 1900-1910, Wolga and Milak, but the modern Borzoi history of Sweden starts in Norway. Two English imports from the Ramsden kennel. A male, Ramsden Reindeer and a bitch, Ramsden Romance (out of the famous Miss Piostri) were imported by the Knudtzon familys kennel af Ulleberg
These two closely related Ramsden dogs were bred and this produced among them Ch Vanja af Ulleberg. Ms Marie Knudtzon was the driving force behind Ulleberg kennel, but after this litter she moved her interest to Miniature dogs & Whippets. Ch Ramsden Romance and her daughter Ch.Vanja af Ulleberg were sold to Ulla Levin Sweden. Later Vanja is transferred to Lieut. S Hedenstierna. Vanja was bred to a German import, Schadow-Ozaroff, who had a Russian father, Lebed, bred by Baron Korff. Two of the pups from this combination continued the history.
At this time, 1919, two years after the Russian Revolution,two Borzois from Russia were registered in the books of the Swedish Kennel Club.
Two littermates, a black/white male Naletai and a bitch, Tjaijka, white with grey spots, both purchased by a Swedish military, doing business in Russia during the revolution years. The first history told us that they were breed at Perchino, but later research has proved it wrong.
Their parents were from General Stetkevich. A quote from Borzoi Encyclopedia FB ” Andrus Kozlov has pointed us to Naletai (Stetkevich) and his sister Tjaika (Stetkevich). The studbook states that General Stetkevich bred the two and sold them to Captain Silfverskiold. Father of the two was Zlorad (Stetkevich), pedigree unknown. while mother was Utekha Perchino, bred by Grand Duke Nicholas at Perchino and owned by General Stetkevich.Utekha Perchinos father was Armavir II Perchino from the absolut best bloodlines. Ch Naletai was said to have won four gold medals in Moscow before the revolution.
Naletai mated Vanja Romanowsky (Schadow-Ozaroff x Vanja af Ulleberg) and Tjaijka in her turn was bred to a litter brother, Boris Romanowsky.
These two identical combinations lay the foundation of the Swedish line. Two bitches, Militza Godonoff and Zowja Nikolaewich,one from each litter carried on the line. Both were bred to the Austrian import, Ch Eros Hassia. From the combination of Eros x Militza, two littermates, Ch. Cyrano and Tatjana were bred to each other and this produced the leading Swedish Borzoi in the thirties, Ch. Tarzan of Bråsta.
A bitch from the combination Eros x Zowja was bred to a son of Militza Godonoff x Dimitri Tsarewitch; Dimitri is a full brother to Zowja. This very qualified inbreeding continued one more generation, and the breeding Ch. Tally-Ho Tsarevna x Tjajka Tsarevna II produced a bitch named Zaba.
At the same time two imports have arrived in Denmark, Int. Ch. Wladislaw Monasterium and Lava of Addlestone. An intensive linebreeding is done on these two. Wladislaw, in his background through de Zwaenhoek and Ural, leads back to Asmodei and Pititschka Perchino, just as Eros Hassia.
A male, Björnehögs Tsarewitch, from the linebreeding on Wladislaw x Lava comes to Sweden. A German bitch, Knjaschna Wergei was also imported. Her grandfather was Wladislaw Monasterium, who had sired a litter at the famous Wergei kennel before going to Denmark. The German Wergei kennel was situated in what later became East Germany, and as part of the east block, the Wergei kennel became quite important to Borzoi breeding in the Soviet Union This would prove valuable for future.breeding. Dagmar Watz-Olsson imports several Borzois from Helmarhöj’s in Denmark. Two danish imports, Helmarhöj’s Jan and Ch Finis Kickan has a litter at kennel Heimerbergs.
There are now four Borzoi, on one hand, Ch. Tarzan af Bråsta and the bitch Zaba, both very heavily inbred on Ch. Eros Hassia and the Russian-Ramsden combination. On the other hand, we have Björnehögs Tsarewitch and Knjaschna Wergei, both with much the same German background plus a nip of English through Lava of Addlestone. Tarzan of Bråsta is bred to Knjaschna Wergei, producing Czarina av Trolliden. Björnehögs Tsarewitch is bred to Zaba, producing Trolle av Vaktarbo. Trolle and Czarina became parents of a white/black bitch named Bonnens Roity, pictured are two Ch-littermates of Roity, Bonnens Fedja & Bonnens Raija.
Roity became the foundation in Signe & Axel Hallqvists kennel Ekhaga in 1949. Until this time, beginning of the fifties, it’s important to know that no breeder had put her or his stamp on the breed so to speak. None of the breedings, in the pedigree of Bonnens Roity, are done by the same breeeder. I have a theory of mine, reinforced by old pictures, that this, together with the intensive inbreeding on the early imports, is why the Borzoi in Sweden tend to be of an ancient type.
Bonnens Roity was mated to Heimerbergs Tsarewitch, linebred on Wladislaw, through the two Danish imports Helmarhöjs Jan–Ch Finis Kickan.
The breeding Tsarewitch-Roity produced several Ch-s. Among them Ekhaga Petrow, BIS at a Sighthound show The next breeding on Ekhaga is the brother-sister mating, Ch. Ekhaga Petrow x Ch. Ekhaga Czarina.The breeding of Petrow x Czarina even more concentrated the lines.
From this combination comes two very important bitches, Ekhaga Roity, who remained in the kennel, and Ekhaga Kismeth Dascenka, foundation bitch for Tichij Don kennel, and as such became an influence on German-Austrian bloodlines through exports from kennel Odessa.
Ekhaga Roity was bred to Ch Odessa’s Boris, whose mother, Ch Zinja carries the Swedish line, while his father is the English import, Ch. Achilles of Woodcourt. This breeding was extremely succesful, 5 Ch-s, that was BIS breeders Group at a kennelclub show in Gothenburg 1960.
In the meantime Barbro Blomquist, kennel Boreland imported Sadia of Whitelilies, a class-winner at Cruft’s. She carried, besides her English lines also German, via Kismet vom Bergland. Sadia was first bred to Ch Odessas Boris, a litter that gave Borelands Carissima, a bitch that came to have quite an influence, both in Sweden and Norway.
In the next generation Ch Ekhaga Rimski was bred to Sadia of Whitelilies. This breeding was first done in the Borelands kennel. She was later sold to Ekhaga and the breeding was repeated, and gave among else, the succesful Nordic Ch Ekhaga Dan,
One of the males from the first litter, Borelands Petrov was bred to Ekhaga Gaselle. This combination produced six champions in two litters. The part of history the four champions of the first litter played was that one, Ch Ekhaga Carmen, was my first Borzoi and as such affected my view on Borzoi.
The two Ch.s from the other litter, Ch Ekhaga Gorkij and Int Ch Ekhaga Nikolaus take a more direct part of history. Gorkij as father of Miroschka (foundation for Northland Hounds in Swiss) and Ch Tatijana (foundation for Yermoloff’s)
Nikolaus (owned by Monika Wall kennel Tzar) is even more influential, behind among else Leicro and several breedings in Finland.One of his daughters Korotai Krasivaja Antoniina went to Australia via England.
Also worth mentioning is Ekhaga Irina & Ekhaga Piroschka, both became pillars for the Murugi kennel.
In 1970 kennel Ekhaga stopped breeding, after 20 years of producing Borzois of, in every aspect, excellent quality and type
Barbro Blomqvist started her Boreland kennel in 1953 with breeding her Natascha to Ch Gilgamesch, producing among else Borelands Tjaika Tsarevna, she had a litter bred by Maud Alestam, which gave BIS winner Ch Posso , but these lines died out. Barbro made a fresh start after moving to the West coast, importing Ch Sadia of Whitelies, and bred her to Ch Odessas Boris. This breeding produced Borelands Carissima, exported to Frimodt’s kennel in Norway, and also Borelands Reila. She had four litters, all mated to Ch Ekhaga Rimski.
Two from this combination deserves to be mentioned. Ch Borelands Aristo, who gained his Ch-title in his first three shows. But also Borelands Tanja, that had two litters at kennel Ekhaga, producing among else Ekhaga Irina, that passed on the line at kennel Murugi. Sadia of Whitelilies were also mated to Ekhaga Rimski, producing Ch Borelands Ziga Mitjana and Borelands Petrov, who wrote his name in history, producing a number of Ch-s for kennel Ekhaga.
Kennel Odessa, owned by Harriet Jäger-Werner started in 1951 with with the bitch Zinja, she was shown to her Nordic Ch-ship and in 1953 bred to english import Ch Achilles of Woodcourt.
In that litter was two Ch-s Odessas Dohn and Odessas Boris. Boris came to have a significant influence for swedish Borzoi, through a litter at Ekhaga. In the next litter 1957, Odessa took out the direction that guided their breeding for the coming years , when they imported Czarewitsch v d Solitude as partner to Zinja.
This breeding gave the succesful Int Ch Odessa’s Njeba. In 1959, Njeba was bred to Int Ch Tichij Don Towaritch Ruski, owned by Ann-Marie Panni kennel Drottningberget.
This breeding gave Odessas Maruschka, exported to the Springinsfeld kennel in Austria. She was only bred once, but that breeding came to have a great influence, and can still be found on the European continental kennels as v d Solitude and in Russia, via Grifo der Karolinger vom Wienerwald.
Also her litterbrother Odessas Istvan was exported, to kennel Alexander in Germany. He was used frequently, and had offspring in several continental kennels. The breeding Towaritch Ruski-Njeba was repeated in 1960, which gave two Ch-s Odessas Jascha and Jaroslav.
Jascha was used twice, and one these breedings can still be found in pedigrees, behind kennel Don Cosacken. Kennel Odessa bred sparingly and had their last litter in 1974, picking up some of their early lines by using Ch Drottningbergets Conde Salyut, imported from Spain, to where the owner, AnnMari Panni had moved. They also brought in a bitch from Finland, Vasaravuoren Gasell. Kennel Odessas last litter held only three, one of them was Odessas Fundador Vsevolod, once BOS at a Speciality show
Tichij Don
The Tichij Don kennel was owned by Anna Greta Langborg-Wahlberg, she started in the early 1950s with Ekhaga Kismeth Dascenca and bred her to Czarewitsch v d Solitude.
This breeding gave two Int Ch-s Towaritsch Ruski and Igor, both highly influential, and also a third brother, Tichij Don Boris, that stayed in the kennel. Anna-Greta lived under small circumstances and bred sparingly. Tichij Don had a couple more Ch-s, Tichij Don Prince Moroz & Zemeika Sganarelle (exp. to Finland) To mention is Tichij Don Aksinja Princess, she had two litters for Olagus, and of course Tichij Don Chadidsja Fursteva, who had a litter for kennel Tovarisjtjs, containing Ch Tovarisjtj’s Polar, who still is to be found behind many Borzois over the world, as great grandfather of Timirinjas Birkovitch.
AnnMari Pannis kennel had but a few litters but there are some dogs worth mentioning, first Drottningbergets Gospodin Romanow.
He never gained any titles, nor was he used for breeding. The reason he gets a place here is that he was once, as a junior BOB at a show in Stockholm, judged by Fred Curnow, kennel Woodcourt UK. Mr Curnow wrote this about him ” One the the best Borzois I have seen”
Gospodin had a littersister, owned by kennel Tzar, Drottningbergets Wera Tjermuschka. She had one litter that still might be found in some pedigrees. The kennel moved to the Canary Islands in the 1970s, and from there Ch Drottningbergets Conde Salyut in 1972, was imported to Sweden by kennel Odessa. Two bitches, Drottningbergets Devuschka Nadeschda & Drottningbergets Zolotaja Ptitschka went to Stig Lindelöf and were used for breeding in his kennel Lybeckholms.
Stig Lindelöfs kennel Lybeckholms had only two litters, in 1963-64. Two Ch-s, Njebuska Milaja & Vanessa Militska, the later foundation for kennel Carat’s. One in the first litter became foundation for kennel Sundhems, Lybeckholms Varizka Vidarja. Stig also owned Ch Odessa’s Jascha, whom he used for his breeding.
This was in the early sixties, the time when Marie-Louise Wallner started her Igorof kennel with two imported Borzois.
The male Frimodts Frappant is bred in Norway but with Swedish parents. His father is Int. Tichij Don Igor,out of Csarewitch v d Solitude x Ekhaga Kismet Dascenca. Frappant’s mother is Borelands Carissima out of Ch. Odessas Boris x Ch. Sadia of Whitelilies. Igorof’s other import is English, Chinnor Kerstin.
Frappant was a very successful show & studdog and produced a number of champions together with Chinnor Kerstin, and this breeding becomes an important part of the modern Swedish Borzoi, although Igorof kennel never follow up its immediate success.
The Igorofs after Frimodts Frappant-Chinnor Kerstin doubtless had huge influence for Borzois in Sweden, Finland and Norway, as many of the males were used for breeding. Names like Int Ch Igorof Iacob, Iarnac & Ialmar can all be traced in todays pedigrees. One, Igorof Iochum, has also left progeny in UK and had grandchildren in France.
Uno Skoglunds Sundhem kennel, was active between 1963-73. It started with Lybeckholms Varizka Vidarja bred to Ch Ekhaga Rimski and later added Igorof lines. Sundhems produced but one Champion, but nevertheless very influential in swedish Borzoi breeding, at least eight Sundhem Borzois were used during 1960s-1970s. Sundhems Adja stayed in the kennel and had two litters.
Both with Int Ch Igorof Iacob, perhaps the best of the famous Igorof siblings, this was his only matings. Ch Sundhems Chalinka became one of the foundations in kennel DonCosacken, she had four litters, producing among else Int Ch DonCosackens Artjenko. Two littersisters were also used, Sundhems Chatka & Charja Also the younger sister Sundhems Dajanka did well at DonCosacken, a litter in which the all-time great Int DonCosackens Czardas was born. She also had an earlier litter, in which Tovarisjtj’s foundation Anastasia was to be found. Some other Sundhems was used in breeding, Sundhems Arista had two litters at kennel Ekhaga, many of these mentioned Sundhems can still be traced in Swedish pedigrees.
Beatrice Jahrl started in Borzois 1965. Olagus kennel began with two imported Borzois, Cusco Springinsfeld (a son of earlier mentioned Odessas Maruschka) and Falconcrag Anna as foundations. Olagus had their first litter in 1967.
There was one, Ch Olagus Annusjka-Dudinka who gained her Ch-title, but all of the four registered in this first litter were used for breeding. Olagus Almaska-Bolshaia left some nice progeny at kennel Tzar, and Annusjka-Dudinka was foundation for the Votjak’s kennel.The Olagus dogs were shown sparingly, (Bea didnt drive herself) but nevertheless appreciated by other breeders. Olagus continued with imports, Ch Zoltan Springinsfeld from Austria and a couple more from UK, like Ch Dragonwyck of Falconcrag & Falconcrag Nureyevitch.
In 1972 Olagus Aljona, from the first litter, was bred to Fertji Dschomini. He was a male with 3/4 Reyas, 1/4 Ekhaga. This produced Olagus Jaschma, behind some Norwegian lines. Olagus had some litters mixing british with old Swedish lines. Olagus Pirotchka is a nice example for this mix. Olagus also used two LeiCro males, Zandor, that gave Olagus Niltitjinov and Dallas, which gave Olagus Derskaja Dikara foundation for kennel Tarasov. Olagus continued in 1989 with a litter that combined the old Olagus with imported lines from Norway (Al Wintars). One in this litter was Ch Olagus Eljaschmir . In the next litter also Finland was added (Margiitan & Shamaanin). Olagus Graf Zamarow was a good example of this. Olagus had its final litter in the end 0f 1991.
Tzars was Monika Walls (Karlsson) kennelname. She got started started in Borzois 1962, when she bought Drottningbergets Wera Tjermuskja. In 1964, Tzars had the first litter when Wera was bred to Frimodts Frappant. Two were used in further breeding, Tzars Kottjin Petrovitj & his sister, Kottjinova Petrovna. Next year, Monika bought a new puppy, Ekhaga Nikolaus. He grew up nicely and had a great show- and studdog career.
Monika brought home a son from Finland, Ch Korotai Krasivy Aleksei who also had a great influence. Nikolaus also mated “Bolly”, Olagus Almaska -Bolshaia for a litter that gave Nord Ch Tzars Gosov and the influential Fin Ch Tzars Galina.
“Bolly” also had a litter with Int Ch Zero, which gave several Ch-s, among them Tzars Cibitj & Calinka. Cibitj was used as stud, and can still be found in swedish lines.
During this years (1965-1975) a large number of English Borzoi were imported to Sweden, some excellent, some less good.
The most successful, no doubt, was imported by kennel Tzars, first Ch Springett Copper Beech, and later Bacaret Dark Elegance. Tzars kennel had worked with both Swedish and English bloodlines, but concentrated on the English, after that they got “Ellie” . She was Swedens Top Show Borzoi in 1976. The first, and so far the only self coloured black/tan to win this title. She also had a BOB win at the Skokloster show. Kennel Tzars also took in two more english imports, Zomahli Ladno and Racingold Yakov.
A daughter of Ladno and “Ellie” Ch Tzars Dark Sensation, was BOS at a National Speciality, judged by Ms Murray, Fortrouge. UK. A sister of her was exported to Galina Zotova in Moscow but hasn’t been used for breeding there, and the line also vanished in Sweden.
ViviAnn Löfgren started her kennel Carat with a bitch Ch Lybeckholms Vanessa Militska, and bred her to Ekhaga Nikolaus in 1968, producing the kennels first Ch, Carats Chiquita. 1970 a sister, Carat’s Chadetta was bred to Ch Springett Copper Beech to produce, among else Ch Carat’s Fredrika. ViviAnn later imported several from Kaznan kennel, one was Int Ch Kaznan Eskaja. She also brought in Ch Ochotnik’s Setjas to her kennel.
Carats was active for many years, and did bred at least 10 Ch-s and also Carats Rodnaja, who won BIS at a Northern Borzoi Speciality in 1993. Their last, the S-litter was born in 1994, including among else Carat’s Stiva
Marianne Lagerstam-Bäckmans kennel Votjaks started in 1969 with an Olagus bitch, Ch Olagus Annusjka-Dudinka, bred to Zoltan Springinsfeld
The kennel worked with simular continental-english lines as Olagus and had the top-winning Ch. Votjaks Majkop in their first litter.For their second litter, they used Reyas Fergus to Olagus Annusjka-Dudinka, with two Chs as result. Ch Votjak’s Biroschka-Moskova was one of them. She was mother of the two coming litters. Her, and Votjak’s last litter came in in 1978. One from it, Votjaks Dschai Zaborsky, sired four litters. He might be able to trace today, behind Margiitan breedings
El Khyrias
Inga-Britt Caselli & Christina Jernbergs El Khyria were world famous Afghan breeders.
What is less known is their short, but nevertheless influential and succesful visit in the Borzoi breed. Just one litter, out of Korotai Krasivy Aleksei–Tzars Andruskja, linebred on Ekhaga lines. There were three Ch-s El Khyrias Maltchik, Seljanka and Vaskresenja.
Maltchik sired a litter for kennel Tichij Don, and can via this, still be found behind swedish Borzois. Vaskresenja came to play an even bigger role, as she became foundation for the Majorow kennel, and were to be found behind all their succesful breedings.
Inga-Britt Anderssons Silverlidens started with Afghans, but included Borzois in 1970. Their first litter was a breeding with kennel Tzars Ch Korotai Krasivy Aleksei to Sundhems Charja, it resulted in two nice Ch-s Silverlidens Alexsege-Kovitsi & Alexsenka-Kajvesja.
In 1974 the kennel did a breeding that came to have a rather significant importance for Norwegian Borzoi. Ch Silverlidens Alexsenka-Kajvesja was bred to Zorbas (owned by Olagus) and in this breeding, the all white Ch Silverlidens Waar-Zaava was born. She became foundation for kennel Za-Wado’s.
Anita Bayumis Za-Wados produced but one Sw Ch, Za-Wados Wartjek . However they bred some very influential Borzois for Norway.
Kennel Al-Wintars brought in Za-Wados Tzarkow and Mikolai to Norway. Especially Tzarkow, who was used as stud for 5 litters with in all 44 offspring. He gained his Norwegian Ch-title and was BOS at the Norwegian National Speciality in 1984.
Sonia Olesen got her first borzo i in 1966, Int ChZero. He became a great showdog and was the beginning of Don Cosacken. Sonia & her partner Gunnar Larssons started their kennel in 1970. It came to have great importance for swedish Borzoi. DonCosacken had tremendous success with mixing Ekhaga-Igorof blood and it resulted among others in the outstanding two half brothers, Int. Ch. DonCosackens Artjenko and Int Ch DonCosackens Czardas. Both sired by Zero, but out of two different bitches from kennel Sundhem Chalinka & Dajanka. They also had an older sister to Czardas, Ch Arijana. She was used for the K-litter.
Artjenko was the Top Borzoi in Sweden four years, 1972-75 and Czardas was four times BOB at the Borzoi Club’s Annual Specialty, both records that will be hard to beat.
DonCosacken dominated the show scene in Sweden the first five years of the seventies. They also imported Ch Dimitri of Golden West from Finland, and he sired among else the eyecatching Nord Ch DonCosackens Erina, foundation for kennel Borsjana’s in Norway.
In 1976 they used the UK import Ch Rodgivad Caballero which produced 4 Ch, among them DonCosackens Kodjack and Kaljinka. (Kaljinkas head picture was used for a world wide distributed car sticker)
In 1979 Kaljinka was breed to Czardas which gave two Ch-s Maltchik & Maritza. Maritza was BOS at the Jubilee/Conference Show in 1981.
In 1979, they also had their N-litter, in which Nordic Ch DonCosackens Nurejev came to have large influence as a stud, both in Norway and Sweden. The last two litters at DonCosacken were born in 1984, but none of them put any mark in future.
The Murugi kennel of Arvid & Berit Andersen started in 1971 with an Ekhaga bitch, Irina, bred to Int Ch Zero. After that they co-bred a litter with Ekhaga Piroschka, mated to Ch Tzars Cibitj.In this litter came the all-white Ch Podjajka, Top swedish Show borzoi 1977 and also Chodlik, used by kennel Yermoloff for their first litter.
Murugi also added several English and one U.S. import to their kennel. Two high class english Falconcrag imports was GB Ch Falconcrags Esmerarna and Moryak. imported by Murugi kennel, in 1972 and -75. In 1977, Murugi took home a son of Moryak as studfee from Norway, Borsjana’s Boris. He sired some nice litters for Murugi. A daugher of Murugis Tatiana Zerowitch, Ch Marsja was also brought home from Norway. She was BIS at the National Speciality 1977.
Later she was bred to Ch Tovaristjs Polar to produce Ch Murugis Maltchik, still appearing in pedigrees
There was also an import from USA, Ch Tiercel of Phantom Lake, who made his mark in future Murugi breedings. Ch Murugis Potemkin was a double Grandson of Tiercel. He was also BOS at both the Norwegian and the Swedish National Speciality in 1985
In 1984, Murugi leased back their succesful Ch Murugis Anjuschka from DonCosacken. Anjuschka was bred to Baraban but none from that litter bred on.
The LeiCro kennel, belonging to Lillemor Leifors & Conny Croneryd started in 1968 with Ch. Ninotcka out of Int. Ch. Ekhaga Nikolaus x Reyas Rudbeckia. She was BOS at the National Speciality in 1974.
In 1970 they imported Fargo of Golden West from Finland. Ninotcka was mated to Fargo for her first litter in 1971. One in this litter, Zarajevo, was exported to V’Indras, USA. Next litter for Ninotcka was with Ch. Daragoj Wascha. From this litter was Ch. Leicros Zandor, BIS at the 1975 National and later exported to the U.S. Also Ch-s Leicros Zmirnoff & Zilla were used in breeding.
LeiCro had for some years a rather extensive breeding and imported several Borzois from UK. In 1973 they imported Int Ch V’Indras Vanity, she was mated in US before leaving and gave birth to a litter in her quarantine in Finland. One from this litter came to have a massive influence, Int Ch Leicros Zplendid Copy. He became Swedens No. One Show Borzoi in 1978
He had ten matings, with in all 82 pups. There were many merited offspring among these, but only to mention a few, Ch Leicros Russian Zilverina was BIS at the National 1979, Ch Leicro’s Russian Zpirit of the Czar was Top winning Swedish Borzoi 1984, Int Ch Tovarisjtjs Mazeppa was Top Winning in 1983. V’Indras Vanity had more offspring, among them its Ch Leicros R Zadhel that stands out, BIS at the National in 1981 and Top Winner in 1982.
In 1985 came the next US import, Ch Astafiev Snow Sybil.
She started her show career, going BIS at The National the same year, but it was in the whelping box, she did a difference. She produced extremely well. Several of her offspring was exported and can be found in many different countries. Especially the litter out of Ch Leicros Dallas was of the highest quality, containing five Ch-s.
This included the super star Ch Leicros R Zvoja, BIS three times at the National 1989, -91 and -93. Topwinning swedish Borzoi twice 1990 and -91.
One of Zvoja’s daughters, Ch Leicros R Zoja was also a great winner, Top Winner in Sweden 1999 and two National Sp. wins 1999 & 2001.
Leicro had also imported a male from USA, Ch Warlocks Astafiev Tarnhelm. He sired two litters for Leicro. In the first came, among else, Ch LeiCros R. Zandstorm who was BOS & BIS at the National in 1994 -95. Kennel Leicro had many years of success with their breeding, with several National Speciality Wins and countless Champions. They have exported and imported all over the world. In 2013, they had their last litter of Borzois. One must state, it was Leicro that first gave Sweden a reputation all over the western world, producing top class Borzois. More about Leicro here
Carina & Clas Janssons first Borzoi was a male from kennel Tzar, born in 1969. Some time after, they also bought a bitch, Anastasia. She became foundation for the Tovarisjtj’s kennel.
Anastasia was an older sister of the wellknown Int Ch DonCosackens Czardas, based on the old swedish lines. She had her first litter in 1973, breed to Fargo of Golden West. two of the puppies breed on in other kennels. Tovarisjtj’s Njevjesta in Sweden and Tovarisjtj’s Nikolenkov in Norway. In the next litter, 1975, Anastasia was mated with Leicros Zplendid Copy, one Ch, Tovaristj’s Kamenka. The year after this breeding was repeated , and now, in a litter of six, Int Ch Tovarisjtj’s Mazeppa was born. Mazeppa was the kennels first big star and litteraly outmoved her competitors in the show ring. She was Swedens Top Winning Borzoi 1983. Her sister Ch Tovarisjtj’s Michaela had a litter for kennel Invibe’s. In 1976, Tovarisjtj’s had a litter on Tichij Don Chadisja Fursteva, breed to Int Ch DonCosackens Czardas. In this litter came Ch Tovaristj’s Polar, a name that still can be found behind swedish Borzois.
Mazeppa had her first litter, mated to Ch Yermoloff’s Rasboi, four males born, and another star for the kennel.
Int Ch Tovaristj’s Jewel, Top Winning Borzoi in 1986, BOS at the National 1986 and for many years also Top Stud dog in Sweden. He had 11 matings, with in all 71 puppies. Many of them, both in Sweden, Norway & Finland gained their Ch-titles. at least two of his daughters, Ch Tovarisjtj’s Sovereign & Svidanija, stayed in the kennel, and had great show careers of their own.
The kennel used Murugis Baraban to Tovarisjtj’s Svidanija to produce two nice Ch-s Iljoshkin & Ivanna
Many more became foundations and cornerstones in other kennels. One, Tovarisjtj’s Takhomowa, went to England and kennel Saringas. She gave UK Ch Saringas Angostura. Tovarisjtj’s brought a sister of him home, Ch Saringas Amateus Rose.
She was used for two litters at the kennel, the last one in 1995, breed to Ch Tovaristj’s Eljoshkin (BOS at the National Speciality 1992). This was the last breedings at kennel Tovaristjs but none of them left any trace to the future.
Marita & Bosse Wackerberg had the Bolsjeviken kennel, established in 1972. They earlier owned a male from kennel Sundhem, and then bought a bitch from the first Tovaristj’s litter, Tovarisjtj’s Njevjesta. In 1973, they imported a young male from UK, Rodgivad Caballero.
He became a Ch and was used to Njevjesta for their first litter. It was an immediate success, with the kennels own Bolsjevikens Galina. In her first show, only 9 months old, she went BOB and Houndgroup One at a large KennelClub show in Gothenburg 1975. Bolsjeviken had a sparse production. In 1977, they breed a sister of Galina to Falconcrag Moryak, continuing the english track. It gave one Ch, Bolsjevikens Raljant. 1979 they had a litter, in which Bolsjevikens Vanessa were exported to Norway. She was to be found behind breedings in kennel Rosenhill. In 1981, Bolsjeviken breed a litter, using Tovarisjtj’s Dark Sensation, to a brother of Raljant. A final litter was born in 1982. None of these breedings left trace to the future.
In 1971, El Khyrias Vaskresenja was relocated to Sig-Britt & Lars-Erik Jansson. She became the foundation for their very succesful kennel Majorow. She had but that one litter, breed to Dimitri Of Golden-West. Only two pups were born, both became Ch-s.
The male Ch Majorows Alekseev -Majorow , was used with DonCosackens Fayana for the four coming litters at Majorow. The first left no trace in breeding or showring, but in the three to come, there was many that put a mark, in both aspects.
The C-litter contained the kennels biggest winner, Int Ch Majorows Charlamow, Top Winning Borzoi in Sweden for three years in a row, 1979, -80 & -81. He was also BIS at the National Speciality 1980. Charlamow sired 8 litters with in all 54 puppies, both in Sweden and Finland. Many of them were succesful and became influential for many years to come. So did many of his siblings, that became the start of several other kennels in Sweden. To name is Dimitrow’s, Yablonaja’s, Grafinja’s, Akzinjas, Ermolaijs, Mysjkin’s plus the breeding of Wenig-Piesack (without a kennel name). After four repeat breedings, the next was Tovarisjtj’s Polar to Fayana. This mating was linebreed to DonCosacken, and is worth to be mentioned, because of the one that went to Finland, Majorows Fayanova.
She became very influential for the Margiitan kennel, having three litters in tree different combinations. Majorow now looked abroad for new material. They imported Vorenoff Pushinka from Holland.
She carried both continental/english lines and were mated to Charlamow for her only litter. This litter was extremely succesful, three Ch-s, all stayed in the kennel.
Ch Majorows Gabrianov became Swedens Top winning Show Dog in 1984 , but wasn’t used for breeding.
Gabrinova, in her turn had three litters with many influential for the future. The second brother, Garinjin sired a nice litter for Polongain in Finland,and one at kennel Grafinja’s.
Majorow later used both continental (via Kaznan & Polongain) and english (Colhugh Crusti) all with splendid result.Continuing to produce great winners like Ch Majorow’s Leonov & Int Ch Majorows Iriada, the Nations No. One Borzoi in 1992. Majorow’s breed their last, the O- litter in 1998, none of them carried on to the future.
Dan Persson got his first Borzoi 1962, 11 years old. Her name was Ekhaga Carmen, and she was shown to her Ch-title. It was first 14 years later Dan started breeding, with the kennel name Yermoloff.
The foundation for the kennel was Ch. Tatijana, a niece of Carmen. For her first litter, Tatijana was mated to Chodlik (litterbrother to Podjajka (Murugi)) It had but one Ch, Yermoloffs Chatanga. Both she and Yermoloffs Vjatka stayed in the kennel and were used for breeding. In the next litter Ch Leicros Zmirnoff was used with Tatijana, resulting in two Ch-s, Rasboi and Sorva.
Yermoloffs Rasboi was Nordic Winner 1980, Hound group winner & BOB at Skokloster. He was mated to halfsister Chatanga, to produce Ch Yermoloffs Tania, BIS at the Norwegian National in 1985. Yermoloffs Sorva, BOS at the National Speciality 1982, was breed to DonCosackens Czardas.
This gave Ch Yermoloffs Sadya, an important brood bitch for Yermoloffs. Vjatka, from the first litter, was mated to Ch Tovaristjs Polar, a breeding resulting in three pups. The two bitch puppies were exported but the male
Ch Yermoloffs Krechet stayed in the kennel. He was twice BIS, 1982 and -83, at the National Specialty . Until now, Yermoloff had concentrated the old Swedish line. In 1982, a Borzoi from Russia was imported. Slavnyj Alexej Jermolov.
He became a popular stud, and mated both Tania and Sadya at Yermoloffs, and was also used by other kennels. The breeding to Tania produced two males that still can be found in pedigrees, Yermoloffs Kolpic and Lp Yermoloff’s Krilat.
Kolpic was mated to Yermoloffs Katya, and this breeding gave Ch Yermoloffs Tjenko, Swedens Top Winning Borzoi 1993
The breeding of Slavny to Yermoloffs Sadya gave Ch Yermoloffs Moscowa, BIS at the Norwegian National 1988, and later foundation for the Yegorov kennel in Finland. Also Yermoloffs Sultan still appears in pedigrees. His sister Sirotka was used for the first litter at kennel Jelistaz. Yermoloffs later included new blood from Norway, Ch Taran-Gai’s Arabann. In the Lake-litter breed 1991, came Yermoloff’s Onega, foundation for the Borzowski kennel.
In 1993 a mating was done with Ch Leicros R Ztorm Eagle to Ch Yermoloffs Raija, this breeding gave the extremely succesful Ch Yermoloffs Chodlik with several Hound Group Wins, Sighthound Speciality BIS and 2001 BOB at “Skokloster” (Tammsvik). He can still be found in several pedigrees. In 1993 Sholwood Sweet Mahoonia came to Sweden. She had two litters, in the second, bred to Yermoloff’s Chodlik, Swedens first LureCoursing Ch was born. SE LCCH Yermoloff’s Femida, foundation for kennel Brassok, In 1997 another english import was made, Ch Saringas Cognac. Kennel Yermoloff is still active in a quite small scale.
AnnStin Willmans Zätaängs was mainly a Whippet kennel, but should be noted for two Borzois.First Ch Zätaängs Hanna Glavari, foundation for kennel Invibes but also Ch Zätaängs Cold Comfort deserves mentioning, once BOB at the Skokloster Show.
Inger & Åke Bengtsson started their Invibe’s breeding in 1979 with mixing Norwegian Ch Al Wintar’s Mirjoz Vlademir with Swedish Leicro/Olagus, Ch Zätaängs Hanna Glavari. It was an immediate success, producing five Ch-s in their first litter.
To mention among them is Int Ch Invibes Azokova BIS at the Sw. National 1984, also Achenka had a Speciality BIS, Aronskij was bought by the Barsaja kennel. After this tremendous litter, Invibes contiued for a couple of years, producing some more Ch-s. In their B-litter came Nord Ch Invibes Be-Zmart, who was a top winning Borzoi in Norway. After that Invibes used mostly continental lines. Their final the H-litter came in 1987, none were used for further breeding.
Brita Forsbergs kennel Ermolaij was established around 1980. Brita was the owner of two Nordic Ch-s Majorow’s Ermolaij and Invibes Awochka. She bred her first litter in 1981, mating her Awochka to a Norwegian male, Rancho Divinety’s Stanislaw. One to mention is Int Ch Ermolaij Fedra-Ferim. She became foundation för Laila Krötöes kennel Zhivago (Norway). One more to notice, Lp Ermolaij’s Fanya-Feron, that might have been Lena Insulanders,kennel Barowiak’s first Borzoi. In the second litter, one went to Beatrice Jahrl as studfee, Ermolaij Krasivyj-Zorba. He sired a litter for Olagus. In the third and final litter, 1984, after Majorow-parents, none won any titles, or were they used for breeding. To mention is Ermolaij Anastasia. She became Helene Frid, kennel Bierioza’s gateway to Borzois.
Kennel Barsaja , owned by Kaija Kravik originated in Finland, and their breeding rested on finnish lines. In 1974 for their first litter (at least in Sweden) they mated Etka-Katjusha to Ch Bolshoi Bamse.
A combination the kennel repeated several times. In the second there was one Ch, Barsajas Irina, She became extremely influential as she was foundation for the Yablonaja kennel. In 1982 a new combination came , as Barsaja’s Katjusha was mated to Majorows Dimitrow, resulting in two Ch-s. One of them Ch Barsaja’s Orchidea was used for the kennels last litter in 1987, when she was mated to Yablonaja Boleck. None in this litter did any further breeding.
Maritta Flenbäck started her Zambras kennel in 1978, with two litters. the first was a mating between Bolshoi Bamse–Votjak’s Cuscaja Bischora, resulting in one Ch, Zambras Sadyk. The second litter was Votjaks Czarewitsch Deljanoff to Don Cosackens Czaritza. The third litter came in 1982, mating Zambras Svetlana with Ch Shelbor Count Dimitri, one Ch, Zambras Rudnjev. In the fourth and final litter Ch Zambras Zadyk was bred to Zambras Rasma. None from this litter can be traced in further breeding.
Pirkko & Rigder Nylund started their Yablonaja kennel in 1980, with a mating between Ch Majorows Charlamow-Ch Barsajas Irina.
This breeding resulted in two Ch-s, one of them, Ch Yablonaja Alatna continued the line in the kennel. Barsajas Irina had four litters at Yablonaja, the best probably the linebred J-litter after Yablonaja Boleck. Boleck became a very popular stud, and had 14 litters, with in all 92 offspring. (That might be a record for Sweden.) He was after a fullsister of Irina, Kalina, mated to Ch Leicros Tazi.
The earlier mentioned J-litter his most successful, with four Ch-s Jariox, Jakubik, Jerzeva & Jirina In 1984, Yablonaja added US bloodlines to the earlier used Nordic.
Windhounds Bea Brave came to Sweden, and became a prominent studdog, especially for Yablonaja, but also in Finland.
He sired some nice litters for Yablonaja. To mention is the K- and N-litters, with the beautiful Ch Yablonaja Kvinnitza, BOS at the National Sp. 1988 and Int Ch Yablonaja Narotka. During the 1980s Yablonaja played a major role in Swedish Borzoi, producing a large deal of Ch-s and the start for other great kennels to be.
Yablonaja had their last Ch, Yablonaja Uspenski, in 1990, owned and showed by Lize Edland & Rikard Sellin. The kennel continued in to 2002, but their influence now came in kennels, that picked up and continued their lines.
Yvonne Öhmans kennel Wonnzoi had a litter in 1982, after Timirinja’s Azza Warawazza mated to Ch Majorows Dimitrow, with three Ch-s. One of these bred on, Ch Wonnzois Eevanja-Dimina. She had a litter, bred to Aleksei, with Murugi/DonCosacken parents, for kennel Don Fursteevas.
Don Fursteeva’s
Raili & P-O Hansson bred a litter in 1986. One became Ch, Don Fursteeva’s Czaritza. It was her sister Don Fursteeva’s Czarina, that bred on, producing extremely well for kennel Timirinja. She had three litters, it was the first two that wrote history for Timirinjas.
Its a bit confusing summing up Ritva-Liisa & Emma Westerlunds Timirinjas breeding. Ritva-Liisa had an A-litter already in 1977, with one named Timirinja’s Azza-Warawazza (mentioned earlier) In 1989, 12 years later they have another A-litter, also including a Timirinja’s Azza-Warawazza. But as she had no progeny, we can forget her and focus on her siblings.
The 1989 A-litter was a breeding of Don Fursteeva’s Czarina to Ch Polongain Jura. There were four Ch-s, none of the males breed further, but the bitch, Ch Timirinjas Azzandra Barinina stayed in the kennel and had two litters, 1992 one at Timirinjas, breed to canadian import Ch Bherovs Dostoevsky, In 1994 she also had the B-litter for kennel Zchatsaj. It was Timirinja’s B-litter that came to have the most influence, a repeat breeding that gave huge impact in many different countries. Int Ch Timirinja’s Birik Czarinjin moved to kennel Pologanin, Finland and sired 8 litters, with in all 47 pups. Int Ch Timirinja’s Birkovitch was even more productive, 13 litters with 54 puppies. so in all 101 offspring from the two brothers. In the C-litter, Bherov’s Dostoevsky to Timirinja’s Azzandra Barinina came two Ch-s, but it was Timirinja’s Czerinja Carenina that were bred from. She became foundation for kennel Darbaschan.
Timirinja’s D-litter came in 1992 with a breeding between Don Furstevas Czarina to a male, Alexander, with Kaznan background. One Ch, Timirinjas Derinja. She had a litter for kennel Allette, but from there none went on further. 20 years later, 2012, came the last? Timirinja-litter, letter E, none of them seems to leave any legacy to the future.
Eva & Bo Dahlberg started their kennel, Ebodahl in 1978, founded on Leicro stock for the first litter. Mother was Ch Leicros R Zilverina BIS at the National in 1979. They also owned Ch Leicros R Zabat. Two Ch-s were born. Ebodahls Akimow and Akita. After that they bought a bitch, Ch DonCosackens Katjouschka for their B-litter mated to Zabat, giving Ch Ebodahls Birochka. (As far as I know, the only time these two kennels met in a breeding?) For the C-litter they used a male, Aminoff from the first litter to Katjouschka. Two Ch-s Ebodahls Czarvik was used to Leicros Dazzel for their final litter in 1985. This gave Ch Ebodahls Evita. None from this breeding did continue.
Ann-Louise Fonrin started her Grafinja kennel breeding her import from Finland, Ch Kaznan Grafinja, to Ch Majorows Charlow in 1980.
A breeding that resulted in three C-s, Grafinja’s Andrejev, Alexandrev and Anitschka. Antischka was used for Grafinja’s C-litter Next litter also resulted in three Ch-s. Two girls, Grafinja’s Baltascha & Baskakova and a male, the great winner Int Ch Grafinja’s Barinjin. BIS at the National Speciality 1987 & BOS at 1989. Three years 1987-89 Swedens Top Winning Show Borzoi. Barinjin also had an obidient title and was a popular stud, mating six bitches giving 35 puppies. He was used for one litter at Grafinjas, mating Grafinja’s Conija Zinova, resulting in one Ch, Grafinjas Elsa. Grafinja carried on combining Swedish-continental line, until their final litter in 1996.
Now Ch Leicros R Zwartzenegger, with a lot of US blood, were used to mate a Barinjin daughter Ch Sahejeev’s Ftoraja Varinja. A nice litter with three Ch-s, but none of them were used. The sister, Grafinja’s Gaika did however carry on the bloodline as a brood bitch at kennel Sahejeev.
Susanne Persson started her Tarasov kennel in 1983 with Olagus Utopia, mated to Tzarskojes Arsenelupin from Finland, to produce one Ch Tarasovs Atjushkin
Tarasov was after that inactive for over 10 years . The B-litter returned to Olagus for both parents producing among others Ch Tarasovs Basjkir. In the next litter the important brood bitch Ch Tarasov’s Chenya Clarissa was born,
After that US Multi Ch Teine Fiddler at Tarasov was imported. He became a very popular stud, siring litters for many prominent kennels. He had but one litter for Tarasov, that containing Ch Tarasov’s Designed by Nature and Multi Ch Tarasovs Divina Diandra. After this breeding, European continental and Russian lines has been added. Tarasov kennel is still very active, and succesful, both in Show-ring and at Lurecoursing-field.
Marelden kennel was founded by Maria Annala in 1980. Both owner and Borzois origins from Finland. As the litters are in alphabetical order breeding should start with an A-litter. (Might one have been registered in Finland?) However the first traceable in Sweden is a B-litter, a breeding between Majorows Charlamow to Margiitan Tiffany. Some imports are made from Norway, kennel Bashkirov. Mareldens first Ch is Mareldens Emerit Kosack, born in 1989.
In 1992, an import from Finland is breed to an Olagus male to produce two Ch-s, Mareldens Iljes Iståtnik and Ch Mareldens Irina Deodora. In 1996 another Ch is born, Mareldens Miroschka Markova, out of a mix of finnish/swedish/norwegian lines.
The kennel has a very long active period, importing breeding material from many different countries. In 1998 they also added a Leicro male to the kennel, Int Ch Leicros R Zilver Made. Ch Mareldens Rom Russin was one out of four Ch-s sired by him. Marelden seems to have ceased breeding after 2018.
Cerite Bourgström started her Bushwack kennel 1982, breeding Alexandra to Ch Kaznan Jura. There was one Ch, Bushwack’s Chicago-Cham. He won BIS at a West coast Speciality in 1987. A sister bred on, Bushwack’s Cherubic-Charm. She had two litters, 1985 & 1987 mated to Ch Tovarisjtj’s Chukov. None from this continued. After that, no further breedings were done until year 2003. Bushwack’s now re-started with LeiCro-lines, breeding Leicro’s Russian Ztepponova to Leicro’s Russian Ztorm Victory, two Ch-s, Bushwack’s Walking On Dreams & Bushwack’s A Dream Come True. The later had two litters at kennel Ztepponova.
Siv & Knud Persson started their Akzinja kennel in 1980, with Ch Murugis Milka, mated to Ch Majorows Charlamow. This breeding resulted in two Ch-s, Akzinjas Aljozja and Akzinjas Akzinja.
For the next litter Akzinja’s Akzinja was mated to Tovarisjtj’s Jewel giving two more Ch-s. Ch Akzinjas Aksakov stayed in the kennel and was BIS at a South Sweden Speciality in 1988. A brother Akzinja’s Arsenjev was BIS at a West Coast Speciality in 1988. Ch Akzinjas Amu-Darja had one BOS at the National in 1987 and also BOS at a South Sweden Speciality. She also became foundation for kennel Sahejeev’s. Amu-Darja is the only one from the kennel, appearing in today’s pedigrees. Akzinja only breed three litters and had their last in 1984.
Ulla Petersens (later renamed to Diana Davalon) kennel Basic started in 1984 with Leicro lines, and deserves mentioning for Basic Sofi-Albertina, foundation for kennel Anuschka’s and also Ch Basic Winsome Skywalker, born 1989 owned and used by kennel Leicro. He was from Basic’s last litter.
Anke Jönsson owned several Tovarisjtj’s Borzois, her kennel Anuscka had the first litter in 1987, breeding Basic Sofi-Albertina to Ch Tovarisjtj’s Shaka Khan. None in this litter bred on.
Her next litter was a linebreeding on Tovaristj’s with Shaka Khan mating her Ch Tovaristj’s Terezia, producing two Ch-s Anuschkas Batumi that stayed home & Anuschka’s Barinja that went to kennel Sahejeevs. For her next litter Grafinjas Elsa was mated to Ankes dutch import Xantoff van Triumfus Dyonisos resulting in one Ch, Anuschka’s Cleon. The kennel had its fourth and last litter in 1998 with Cleon mating Sahejeev’s Sedmaja Rinjah. From that litter Anuschka’s David sired several litters at kennel Double Diamond.
Eva Håkanssons kennel Sahejeev started in 1987. Their first breeding was from Evas own two Borzois. LP Yermoloffs Krilat mated her Ch Aksinjas Amu-Darja.
This litter had two Ch-s Sahejeevs Pjervyj Yadhel & Sahejeevs Pjervaja Yiljah. For the next litter a sister, of the earlier mentioned, Sahejeev’s Pjervaja Yidanja was mated to Int Ch Grafinjas Barinjin. This litter gave Ch Sahejeevs Ftoraja Varinja, a Speciality winning bitch, owned by kennel Grafinja but in 1994 leased back for a litter with Leicros R Ztorm Eagle. This breeding gave one Ch, Sahejeev’s Pjatij Graf Fergei.
Sahejeev has since then breed sparingly, but seems now to have left the legacy in to the next generation.Evas oldest daughter, Noa Håkansson breed a litter out of Sahejeev’s Devjataja Onieviesta to Ch Yermoloff’s Chodlik, producing among else Ch Tabari, and Tocapi, (she had a litter at kennel Yermoloff). Another daughter of Eva Håkansson, Helena, has continued the tradition in great style. She started with Sahejeev’s Adinatsataja Metel and is today a very succesful Borzoi breeder, with prefix Scheztaya.
Christina “Chicki” Runnquist started her Zchatsaj kennel in 1986 with Leicros R Zchatz, and breed her to Ch Polongain Fjor. A litter with three Ch-s.
Zchatsaj’s Alonso sired two lítters but none from them breed on. It was Sf Ch Zchatsaj’s Angelowa that put a mark for the future. She had two litters at kennel Polongain, Finland. Many of them were used in breeding. In the C-litter, Ch Zchatsaj’s Chegorova carried on for the kennel. One, Zchatsaj’s Swedish Charamel was exported to Sandy French, Bherov’s in Canada, but later returned to Zchatsaj’s. She had two litters for Bherov and one, the last G-litter, at Zchatsaj. Chicki imported Ch Bherovs Dostoevsky from Canada.
He sired litters both in Sweden (Tovarisjtj’s & Timirinja) and in Finland, but no litters at Zchatsaj. They instead carried on with their own lines and again combined them with Polongain. She imported sevral from Finland, one was Ch Polongain Smeagol. In year 2000, Zchatsaj had its last litter. Two of them, US Ch Zchatsaj’s Shefaro Guillermo & Zchatsaj’s Shefaro Gloriosa were exported to kennel Shefaro in USA and had several litters for Sherry Faye Rodarmors kennel Shefaro. None in this litter breed on in Sweden.
Susanna Holmberg & Stefan Söderberg, Jelistaz, was for many years active in the showring, successfully owning & showing Yablonaja Borzois. It was first in 1989 they started a kennel of their own. Their first litter was out of a leased bitch, Yermoloff’s Sirotka, breed to their own male Ch Yablonaja Jakubik.
One Ch, Jelistaz Alisha Bellone, but it was a sister,Jelistaz Arimskowa, that claimed more fame. She was the first, and so far only Borzoi, to become “Service dog” for the Swedish Army. For the next litter Ch Yablonaja Jerzeva was mated to Yermoloff’s Kolpic. It gave three Ch-S, two of them stayed in the kennel. Int Ch Jelistaz Behnidja was BIS at the National Speciality 1992, and her sister Ch Jelistaz Baltasha Sw. W-95. Both were used in breeding and especially Behnidja became a pillar for the future of Jelistaz.
A kennel that wrote history in Sweden, dominating the show scene for many years. For the C-litter, they used semin from Ch Kajais Caribe on their Ch Yablonaja Jerzeva to produce two Ch-s, Jelistaz Crystal Chodozjnik & Jelistaz Crystal Charazeewa. The pair was BIS & BOS at the National Speciality in 1996.
Their E-litter held 5 Ch-s, including Int Ch-s Jelistaz Embassador & Jelistaz Ezmeralda and the G-litter with 7 Ch-s including the flashy Us Ch Jelistaz Gallant Heart of Kajai.
His sister Int Ch Jelistaz Grace of Zimistraija must also be mentioned, as mother of so many great winners. In 1998 the J-litter was born, it included the immortal Int Ch Jelistaz Just like Pistachio. Jelistaz is still very active, and keeps on producing high class Ch-Borzois.
Agneta & Jan Holmqvist started their Ochotnik’s kennel in 1986 with Anastasia, BIS-Veteran at the National 1991. She were of Yermoloff-Majorow breeding and mated to russian Slavny Alexej Jermolov.
The breeding gave two Ch-s, the male, Ochotnik’s Setjas moved north to kennel Carat and the bitch Ch Ochotnik’s Seraphina stayed in the kennel.
For the next litter Seraphina was mated to Ch Yermoloff’s Gorkij, a close linebreeding to Russian lines. This resulted in one Ch, Ochotnik’s Eskaja, also one that went as studfee to kennel Yermoloff, Ochotniks Erina Yermolova, and had a litter for them. For the third and final litter in 1992, Ochotnik’s Seraphina was mated to Ch Tovarisjtj’s Eljoshkin. Five pups, but none went on breeding.
Margareta & Tage Andersson started 1978 in Borzois, as owner of Nordic Ch Majorows Dimitrow. His name still appears in today pedigrees. Margareta and Tage were both passionate Borzoi lovers. They did in fact get married at the Swedish Conference in 1981. It was not until 1989 that they started breeding, chosing the kennel name Dimitrow’s.
The first litter was from Ch Majorow’s Ivanna, bred to Int Ch Grafinja’s Barinjin, a linebreeding on Majorow lines. This produced three Ch-s, but none were used for breeding. In the next litter both for Ivanna and the kennel, they used Ch Boris, a male that carried russian & Majorow lines through a littersister of Dimitrow.
One Ch, Dimitrow’s Bernova, she was owned by Annilla Nilsson, later kennel Borzowski. A male, Borislaw went as studfee to kennel Mysjkins and were used in their breeding. Two stayed at Dimitrow’s. Boran & Borisova. Boran was used for the kennels C-litter and Borisova was used for two litters.
In the first, breed to Timirinja’s Birkovitch was the frequent winner Int Ch Dimitrow’s Dimisowa, and in her second litter, after Ch Ardagan’s Yondalar came two Ch-s, Dimitrow’s Emilja & Evginna. Dimitrow’s next Ch came in 2005 when they brought SLC-Ch Borzowski’s Empress Eliza to Ch Yermoloff’s Jernak.
Dimitrow’s Houdini, Hazzandra and Himitrowna all three became Ch-s. Dimitrow’s had continued success after that and produced several winners, until the kennel ceased to exist, due to the much to early passing of owner Margaretha Andersson
Just like Dimitrows, Marie Råhlins kennel Tichvin, depended a lot on Majorow lines. Tichvin had its first litter in 1996, breeding Ch Majorow’s Miloslavskaja to dutch Wassili van Troybhiko.
Six puppies, and the only bitch, Tichvin’s Aleksandrovskaja became in 1999 mother of the second Tichvin litter, breed to Ch Majorows Maksimov. In this litter containing 8 pups Tichvins first Ch Tichvin’s Batjusjkov was born. Tichvin had their final? litter in 2009, Tichvin’s Caezarov achived his Ch-title and breed a litter for Kennel Flying Zoi’s.
Monica Bengtssons first experience with Borzois, was working as a “kennel maid” at Murugi’s. She then succesfully owned and showed several Murugi’s. In 1988, she started her own kennel, Radoga.
The breeding of Ch Murugis Marsjenka to Yermoloff’s Kolpic gave a small litter, only three. One Ch Radogas Svezda. She continued the line, mated to Timirinja’s Birkowitch.
This was an even smaller litter, only one, Ch Radoga’s Bistraja. She was mated twice with males from Borscana. In the first litter with Borscana Civil War, Radoga’s Iskra did continue the line. In the second, with JAY JP Rakhan At Borscana, a male, Radoga’s Tersai was exported to France, and sired two litters there. Iskra was mated to Ch Japejukan Kommando, and in this litter three bred on, Radoga’s Warpaint for kennel Walzoff’s, Radoga’s Wild Rose, foundation for Valtahlia, and the male Pol. Ch Radoga’s Wild One, that went to Kazimierz Rychlik’s kennel Stepowy Goniec, where he sired six litters. Radogas has imported and exported several Borzois through the years but the original line seems to be lost, and the last litter was born in 2010.
Ulla Hultås started her Babotjka kennel in 1990, breeding her Anjuska to Irish import Mariinsky Eugan of Falconcrag.
This breeding gave two Ch-s Babotjka’s Argamak and Babotjka’s Anna Karenina. The later moved as studfee to kennel Ivegill. In the fourth litter Ulla used a Borscana Jonny Walker to produce one Ch Babotjka’s Dossa Tsarevna.
For the fifth litter, Ch Ivegills Lady Afrodite was used to give Ch Babotjkas Erotika , a bitch that would produce great for two kennels, Blisshound & Borscana. She was mother of World Winner Ch Blisshounds Pinocchio and can still be found behind many succesful breedings around the world. Babotjka’s contiued to cooperate with Borscana for their F-litter. Two Ch-s Babotjka’s Full Moon of Borscana and US Ch Babotjka’s Fantaziya. The final G-litter was born in 2005, none from that breeding carried on.
Birgitta Bäckman started in Borzois with her Irish import Mariinsky Eugan of Falconcrag, born 1986. Kennel Ivegill had the first litter in 1990. It was in 1994, when the Irish import Mariinsky Grozan was used on Ch Babotjkas Anna-Karenina, that the first Ch was born. The highly influential Ch Ivegill’s Lady Afrodite. In 1996, Falconcrag Guilder was imported, and a pure english litter was born, including Ch Ivegill’s Lady Ludmilla.
She had two litters, in the second was Irish Ch Lord Autumn Glow at Zercark exported to Ireland. In 2003 came the last litter for Ivegill’s. It included the influential Dual Ch Ivegill’s Lady Tequila, foundation for kennel Ulfur.
Cecilia Wennberg-Steners kennel Kozlowski had their first litter in 1990, when she mated Ch Yablonaja Orzowa with Ch Leicros Russian Znowstorm. This produced one Ch, Kozlowski’s Chakaara. She became foundation for kennel Goromaj. After that, kennel Kozlowski had a 16 year long break, until it restarted in 2006. Since then, Kowlowski has had a continuous breeding, often producing white/silverbrindle Borzois of high quality.
Monika Willmans Zimistraija kennel started in 1997, with the breeding of Int Ch Jelistaz Grace of Zimistraija to Ch Gordienka av Fjasko, a linebreeding on Monikas Int Ch Timirinjas Birkovitch.
A brilliant start, with four out of five becoming Ch-s. Two in USA and two in Sweden, Nordic Ch Zimistaija Mitos and Ch Zimistraija Mirkovitch. The later sired a litter for kennel Moryak
For the next litter Monika used her import from Japan Int Ch Seabury JAY Egoiste.
(Monikas Timirinja’s Birkovitch was in Japan for a while and sired two litters for kennel Seabury Jay)
Egoiste mated Jelistaz Grace of Zimistraija for her second litter. An even greater success than the first litter, all eight became Ch-s, in USA or Sweden. Perhaps the most wellknown were Int Ch-s Zimistraija Napoleon & Zimistraija Nessie. Grace had a third litter 2001, with another import from Japan JAY JP Rakhan At Borscana.
One from this litter Ch Zimistraija Odessa went to kennel Timirinja and another Ch Zimistraija Ockra to kennel Pomzoi. Grace also had a fourth litter breed to Int Ch Borscana Ulvejeger. Ch Zimistraija Nessie had two litters. The final litter, Gordienko av Fjascho to Int Ch Zimistraija Noblesse in 2003 was only one pup. Zimistriaja came to a tragic end due to the sad passing of Monika Willman.
Carina & Stefan Arnberg has a long background in Borzois, successfully showing the two great Ch-s Majorows Jaroslav Jirij, BOS at the National 1991, and Majorow’s Iriada, Top winning Show Borzoi 1994. They founded their kennel Jaroslav on Jaroslav Jirij and Iriada. For her first litter Yablonaja Jagutai was used with Iriada. It resulted in three Ch-s, Jaroslav’s Abracadabra, Aha and Aquarious.
In the next litter Yablonaja Niljenko was used, two Ch-s, Jaroslav’s Brahms & Jaroslav Bolero, foundation for Anniehoods. For the third litter in 1997 Ch Jaroslav Aquarious was mated to Ch Majorows Jaroslav Jirij.
Jaroslav has always breed sparingly, and had a long break after this litter, but did return in 2006 with a new litter. Int Ch Jaroslavs Dusty Diamond is one of their later winners. They are still active with a small quality breeding.
It’s a bit hard to pass in Lena Hamels kennel Zaprof in a timeline. Lena herself has owned an showed Borzois “for ever” Her first Borzoi was in 1969, Ch Igorof Ibis. Soon after, 1971, Lena imported Ch Matalona Carolina from England. In the 1970s Lena was, together with kennel Leicro, involved in several imports from England. Names as Ch Penmirek & Horningseas Plaksa comes to mind.
In 1987, Lena bought a male from Leicros “wonder-litter, one of the five Ch-s, Int Ch LeiCros R. Zaprak. So, in 1995, Lena had imported Nord Ch Sholwood Special Magic from Richard Duckworth and decided it was time for breeding. “Magic” was bred to Zaprak for Zaprof’s first litter, resulting in , among else, Nord Ch Zaprof’s Melmac.
After that, Lena was fully occupied with showing, first Melmac, later the legendary, immortal Int Ch Borzowski’s Phenomenon. She later added some Us imports and then, with great success, restarted her breeding in a more regular style 2020.
Annilla Nilsson had her first Borzois in the 1980s, from Majorow, Leicro and Yermoloff. In 1990 she got her first Ch, Dimitrow’s Bernova.
It was not until 1994 that she established her kennel Borzowski, breeding her Yermoloff’s Onega to Ch Yablonaja Uspenski. A litter that gave two Ch-s Borzowski’s Turmalin & Lapis Lazuli.
In 1997 Ch Ardagan’s Yondalar was imported. He had his first litter with Yermoloff’s Onega, again two Ch-s, including the very influential Borzowski’s Miranda Merengue.
She was later bred to Zaprof’s Melmac to produce Ch Borzowski’s Magic Queen at Zaprof & SLC Ch Borzowskis Empress Eliza. For Borzowski’s third litter Yondolar was mated to Norwegian import Stravi Magdalena, to produce the Speciality winning Ch Borzowski’s Penelope Pepper and Ch Borzowski’s Cindy Cinnamon, BIS at a National Speciality.
Cindy Cinnamon had a litter with Ch Yermoloff’s Chodlik in 2001 including Int Ch Borzowskis Hanna Havanna & US Grand Ch Borzowski’s Bernice Barbuda.
Borzowski is still very active producing big winners, including the World famous Int Ch Borzowski’s Phenomenon, perhaps Swedens Greatest Winner of all times.
Lize Edland and Rikard Sellin had owned Borzois mostly Yablonaja’s for some years before the start of their kennel Borscana. They breed their first litter in 1993, breeding Yablonaja Valentina to Ch Dimitroff d.y. av Fjascho, born in Norway, but carrying mostly continental Kaznan blood.
The litter was a tremendous success with the two Int Ch-s Borscana Civil War & the World Winner Borscana Rocket Queen. Also a third in this litter, Ch Borscana Sweet Child O’Mine played a role in future as foundation for kennel Darbaschan. For the second litter, Valentina was breed to Stravi Valdai to produce Ch Borscana Jonnie Walker, that sired a litter for Babotjka’s and Ch Borscana Glenmorangie, siring a litter for Staraja Russa, Finland.
After this, Borscana has continued to produce top-winning Borzois all over the world, and is doubtless the most successful Swedish breeder ever, with endless Show wins. Valentinas four litters was a wonderful foundation for the kennel.
Sara Larssons Darbaschan kennel had a short but influential period, breeding three litters between 1997-2003. In the first litter, after Timirinja’s Czerinja Carenina, breed to Borscana Civil War, there was two Ch-s Darbaschan’s Lovly Godiva, owned by Staraja Russa, Finland and Int Ch Darbaschan’s Gentl Star of Borscana, BIS at the National Speciality in year 2000, and Swedens Top winning Show Borzoi in 2001.
The second litter after Ch Borscana Sweet Child O’Mine bred to Bolshajan Bobrikov also produced nicley, with kennel Scheztaya’s Ch Darbaschan’s Super Strike and Staraja Russas Int Ch Darbaschan’s Scotch Amber. A sister Ch Darbaschan’s Olivia Staro stayed in the kennel. She was breed to Japejukan Kommando for Darbaschan’s final litter. This gave one Ch, Int Ch Darbaschan’s Sweet As Candy. She went to Finland and had one litter for Japejukan.
Mac Ått Ell’s
Anna Holmströms Mac Ått Ell’s, based on Leicro lines, had but one litter, producing Ch Mac Ått Ell’s Mistress Zulei and also Mac Ått Ell’s Mytarka Mivi. Both of them were used for breeding in kennel Sebranovas.
Susanne Leifors has a well known mother, Lillemor Leifors-Croneryd, kennel LeiCro. Susanne started her Sebranova kennel with two bitches from Mac Ått Ell’s, Ch Mistress Zulei & Mytarka Mivi. Zulei was
bred to German Ch Czerkaj vom Sölring Hus for the first Sebranova litter. This produced three Ch-s of which Sebranovas Rambrico and Rich Mistress both produced for Sebranovas, and so did the third, Ch Sebranovas Reel Mess, but he also sired a litter at kennel Krestovskij. For the second litter, Sebranovas Rambrico mated Belarus import Trawka, to produce, among else Ch Sebranovas Ramirez. For the third litter an US import to Finland, Sylvan Checkmate was used with Mac Ått Ell’s Mytarka Mivi.
After that more US lines were incorporated to the kennel, the two siblings Kenai’s Candle on the Water brought sperm and Kenai’s Once Upon a Dream came to Sweden. Both produced for Sebranovas,that had an extensive period during the late 1990s. In 2001 more foreign blood was added, first a litter after Ch Banjenko Kalinow, giving double Ch Sebranova’s Rich Marked Banjenka & US Ch Sebranova’s Rich Mistress Lady. Same year Ch Cordova Mishkova Tovarich came from Australia. He sired two litter for the kennel and one in Germany, producing one Ch in each Country. Sebranova had its last litter in 2008, combinig many of their added blod lines, but none were used in further breeding, and all the lines imported are sadly vanished in Sweden. Susanne Leifors must also be given credit for the work she put in to promote Lure Coursing in Sweden.
Elisabet Jonssons kennel Lynx started in 1996, when she brought semin from England, Ch Rothesby Saker to her Leicro’s Russian Zneda. It gave Ch Lynx High Old Time and Lynx High Class, that stayed in the kennel.
For the second litter Zneda was bred to Ch Rajalinjan Phaedra Bolshoy. A breeding that gave Int Ch Lynx Magic Stone BIS at the National Speciality 2002. He sired one litter for Lynx. For the third litter, in year 2000, Elisabet mated her Lynx High Class, from the first litter, to Ch Yermoloff’s Chodlik. This gave among else Ch Lynx Classic Music. She became quite influential, giving birth to two litters at Lynx. In one of these came Ch Lynx Winds from Russia, a popular stud dog all over Europe.
In the fourth litter came the much awarded Int Ch Lynx Spirit of the Tiger. Lynx has from start included bloodlines from different corners of the world, securing a large genetic base. For times Lynx has had a rather intense breeding. They have in later years breed a large number of Top winners. Perhaps not so much in Sweden, as through exports to many other countries,especially UK, thereby build up a well known and much respected breeding.
Kjell & Lillebill Eriksson started their kennel Rytzar in 1990, mating their import from Norway, Al Wintar’s Zigra to Yablonaja Jariox. This gave two Ch-s Rytzars Aurora and Rytzars Alfon, that went to Denmark, siring a litter for kennel Lhaghana. In the next, the B-litter, Rytzar’s Babotska, foundation for kennel Velikij was born. In the final C-litter Cilla was exported to Denmark, having a litter for kennel Lhaghana, and Rytzars Claudia went as studfee to have one litter at kennel Zchatsaj’s
Cecilia Häggström bought her first Borzoi, Greta Garbo, in the 1980s. It was with her next, Rytzar’s Babotska, that Velikj had its first litter in 1997. It had four Ch-s including Ch Velikij Sergei, BOS at the National in 1999.
Int Ch Velikij Viktor sired two litters, one of them for Velikij. 1999 came the second litter, when Rytzar’s Babotska was mated to Ch Kazbek. It had three Ch-s, one Int Ch Velikij Iskra. It was Velikij Ilitsch that carried on the line, siring one litter for the kennel.
The J-litter was born in 2003, four Ch-s including Int Ch Velikij Jalina, exported to Elena Bertolini in Italy. Velikij has for many years successfully breed mostly white/red, heavy coated Borzois of high class, mostly using a mix of Swedish/Norwegian lines. In 2012 they used a US Borzoi, Horse and Hound Bellagio at Menigma. Velikij is still active in a small scale. Cecilia is also a very skilled artist and has done some lovely watercolour paintings of Borzois.
Making a compilation and historical summary, means that you have to make considerations. To facilitate these considerations regarding which kennels should be reported, and which not, I chosed to set the following criteria. 1. Breeding must have started between 1900-2000. 2. The breeding must have produced at least one Champion before the year 2000 and at least one Borzoi whom went on in breeding before year 2000. Several of the kennels presented have had great success after the year 2000. In those cases, I have chosen to only briefly summarize them. If any breeder that meets the criteria is still not included or if you find other mistakes in the text, I would be grateful for information about this, so that it can be corrected. As for titles, I have limited to only Ch, Nord Ch and Int Ch.
Dan Persson
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